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Below you will find the extracted and combined tags between Kathi's and Bea's tagboard, arranged in chronological order for your viewing pleasure.
Page 2  |  Total Results: 70  |  Showing: 21 - 40
The One Year Anniversary Badge badge
The One Year Anniversary Badge
Issued to those who have stuck it out for a year here on MTC. What a long, strange trip, huh?
awarded on 2008-02-18

Level 11
Hej Bea!
Jag hade mycket att göra is sista veckorna. Jag byter jobb och hade lite semester och var hos min familj igen. Nästa vecka börjar jag nytt jobbet. Idag till onsdag har jag introduktionslektioner för en datornsprogram som jag ska jobbar med. Det är konstig att har skolan efter nästan tre år utan lektion. I'm not used to listen to a teacher the whole day anymore! How are you doing?
2007-11-26 09:25:05
The Lotto Badge badge
The Lotto Badge
The Lotto Badge is awarded only to the truly lucky. The Gods look favorably upon this one.
awarded on 2010-09-01

Level 21
Kathi, long time no see. Hur går det met deg?
2007-11-26 06:49:00
The Lotto Badge badge
The Lotto Badge
The Lotto Badge is awarded only to the truly lucky. The Gods look favorably upon this one.
awarded on 2010-09-01

Level 21
That's so "hyggeligt". I remember back when I was a little kid, my father would rent a cabin in Sweden during Christmas time, and then we'd spend time together as a family, out in the woods surrounded by nothing but snow, snow, snoww.

I am an atheist myself, but it's true, my family has some other holidays. I don't know when they are, but I believe there was one, because of Lent, here in September or October.
2007-10-27 08:52:02
The One Year Anniversary Badge badge
The One Year Anniversary Badge
Issued to those who have stuck it out for a year here on MTC. What a long, strange trip, huh?
awarded on 2008-02-18

Level 11
I know what you mean. It is not about the holidays at all but the atmosphere I like at christmas time and snow is a part of it. Ok, I also like spending the night together with my family. We don't think about religion then (even if I am confirmed as a protestant, but I haven't been in church for years except for babtisms or wedding of my cousins). How do you spend christmas eve. Is it like a normal day for you? But you have an own holiday, isn't it in december, too?
2007-10-25 14:57:59
The Lotto Badge badge
The Lotto Badge
The Lotto Badge is awarded only to the truly lucky. The Gods look favorably upon this one.
awarded on 2010-09-01

Level 21
I don't celebrate Christmas, but snow is still a part of the atmosphere in town around Christmas. I feel like something's missing when people skate on ice but there's no snow around them. Plus, if it has to be so darn cold in the winter, then it should at least be a pretty sight with snow every where.
2007-10-23 15:47:46
The One Year Anniversary Badge badge
The One Year Anniversary Badge
Issued to those who have stuck it out for a year here on MTC. What a long, strange trip, huh?
awarded on 2008-02-18

Level 11
Yep, it really was snow falling down on me but it was melting directly on the ground. I guess november will be very cold and much snow but then in real christmas time, there won't be something anymore. Maybe the propability is better than in Denmark but though I haven't either had white christmas in the last years.
2007-10-22 08:58:14
The Lotto Badge badge
The Lotto Badge
The Lotto Badge is awarded only to the truly lucky. The Gods look favorably upon this one.
awarded on 2010-09-01

Level 21
O'waow, snow?? I don't think we'll have snow here in Denmark before next year. Or it'll begin snowing on the 26th of December or something like that. It never snows on Christmas Eve or the day after. That's just not doing it for the whole Christmas spirit, you know?
2007-10-22 00:28:51
The One Year Anniversary Badge badge
The One Year Anniversary Badge
Issued to those who have stuck it out for a year here on MTC. What a long, strange trip, huh?
awarded on 2008-02-18

Level 11
I thought they were from scandinavia, their names sound like that, maybe they moved to USA. Whatever, not my fav band, but nice for some cool and rainy autumn days. Today it really snows here!!! Now I finally recognize that I moved next to the mountains.
2007-10-21 03:51:06
The Lotto Badge badge
The Lotto Badge
The Lotto Badge is awarded only to the truly lucky. The Gods look favorably upon this one.
awarded on 2010-09-01

Level 21
We had a week's Autumn break, now it's back to school. Just as you said, I will get an employee's discount AND I'll most definitely get my hands on new music that way too. I've already gotten myself really excited about it.

- I don't know the Walkabouts, but Wikipedia informs me that they are from America. And I was totally going to upload a Danish music only mix soon, that's another way of letting you in on the cool bands/artists here. I think I'll compile some of it as we speak..

And ditto on the concerts, my last one was in July when I saw Modest Mouse.
2007-10-20 12:40:30
The One Year Anniversary Badge badge
The One Year Anniversary Badge
Issued to those who have stuck it out for a year here on MTC. What a long, strange trip, huh?
awarded on 2008-02-18

Level 11
Holidays, sounds nice what is that? ;-) Well, next week will be much work but in november I can take 2 or 3 weeks off before I start the new job. Working in a music store sounds great, maybe you could get cds cheaper or at least get to know new music. Hope you get it! Concerts are expensive. I guess especially if you want to see "The Cure"! Not bad. I need to watch out for nice concerts here, too. It's long ago since I have been to one. Oh, I forgot, there was a nice band playing on a streetlivefestival where I had been some weeks ago.

You wanted to tell me more about danish music! Where are "The Walkabouts" from, Denmark or Norway? I found some cds by them in my collection which my brother gave to me some years ago. Not often that I listen to them but today is one of these lazy fall days when it's too cold that you don't want to go outside, the music fits this morning.
2007-10-20 07:33:42
The One Year Anniversary Badge badge
The One Year Anniversary Badge
Issued to those who have stuck it out for a year here on MTC. What a long, strange trip, huh?
awarded on 2008-02-18

Level 11
Holidays, sounds nice what is that? ;-) Well, next week will be much work but in november I have also some weeks I can take 2 or 3 weeks off before I start the new job. Working in a music store sounds great, maybe you could get cds cheaper or at least get to know new music. Hope you get it! Concerts are expensive. I guess especially if you want to see "The Cure"! Not bad. I need to watch out for nice concerts here, too. It's long ago since I have been to one. Oh, I forgot, there was a nice band playing on a streetlivefestival where I had been some weeks ago.

You wanted to tell me more about danish music! Where are "The Walkabouts" from, Denmark or Norway? I found some cds by them in my collection which my brother gave to me some years ago. Not often that I listen to them but today is one of these lazy fall days when it's too cold that you don't want to go outside, the music fits this morning.
2007-10-20 07:32:55
The Lotto Badge badge
The Lotto Badge
The Lotto Badge is awarded only to the truly lucky. The Gods look favorably upon this one.
awarded on 2010-09-01

Level 21
Hej Kathi! Jag har savnet dig her. :)
Alt går bra med jag, i dette vecka havde jag semester, men måndag börjar skolan atter. Lige nu pröver jag at finna penge till så mycka många konserter (CocoRosie, Múm, Ryan Adams och The Cure!), men det bliver "tough as hell." Jag vet inte hur jag gör det.

Nytt job lyter bra! Jag skal ochså pröver at få stilling i Fona eller andet musik shop innen jag blivar 18.

Hur går det med dig ellers?
2007-10-20 02:26:06
The One Year Anniversary Badge badge
The One Year Anniversary Badge
Issued to those who have stuck it out for a year here on MTC. What a long, strange trip, huh?
awarded on 2008-02-18

Level 11
hejsan! jag hade mycket att göra i sista tid. jag ska börjar ett nytt jobb i december. jag är glad att jag maste inte arbeta imorgon. hur är det med dig? nagonting nytt?
2007-10-19 07:00:37
The Lotto Badge badge
The Lotto Badge
The Lotto Badge is awarded only to the truly lucky. The Gods look favorably upon this one.
awarded on 2010-09-01

Level 21
Holy cow you ARE my new hero. But then, the story must be in German, right? Well, you shouldn't rush it, I get the "my life's more interesting now." But really, it'd be cool to read it someday. :) I bet it's a knocker.
2007-09-25 00:21:05
The One Year Anniversary Badge badge
The One Year Anniversary Badge
Issued to those who have stuck it out for a year here on MTC. What a long, strange trip, huh?
awarded on 2008-02-18

Level 11
Hey! Not in the mood for swedish now ;-) I wrote more than 400 (A 5) pages on my laptop. At the beginning the main character is 15 years old, at the end she is 30. I just have to write the time between 21 and 25 (and when she's between 25 and 30 but there's not much happening that time, the end is already written because I started with that story). It is not tht great, just began witrh that cause my own life was quite boring that time. That's why I have not much time for writing anymore, my life became much more intresting :-)
2007-09-22 07:04:04
The Lotto Badge badge
The Lotto Badge
The Lotto Badge is awarded only to the truly lucky. The Gods look favorably upon this one.
awarded on 2010-09-01

Level 21
Nej, du har inte förtalt mig att du skrivar på en bok, Kathi! Omg, det lytar fucking kewl, beretningen om musikernes liv. Och hvis du virkelig har skrivat på den i mere end 10 år, så är du min nya helt. Jag tyckar du skal publicere den en dag, naturligvis! Då skal alla få läsar din roman, det är jo vanvittig stört. :) Hur mycket har du skrivat, so far?
2007-09-17 01:01:17
The One Year Anniversary Badge badge
The One Year Anniversary Badge
Issued to those who have stuck it out for a year here on MTC. What a long, strange trip, huh?
awarded on 2008-02-18

Level 11
Ja känner det. Jag maste ofta arbeta pa lördags. Men inte den här helgen! Det är bra när man kan sova hur länge man vill. När killen skrev "Crazy" var han bara 16 ar. Det var för mycket hype om boken pa den tiden. Jag tycker mycket om böcker om musik. Jag vet inte om jag berättade för dig att jag själv skriver en bok. Det handlar ocksa om ett musikgrupp eller bättre om livet av bandets sjungarna. Darför alskar jag att läsa andra böcker om musik som kanske inspirerar mig. Jag vet inte om jag ska publicera det ngn gang om det blir färdigt. Jag började att sriva berättelsen när jag var 17 (da ser du hur oregelbunda jag skriver, jag är ju 25 nu).
Av John Irving har jag lyssnad pa "The world according to Garp". Det var förra ar da jag tckte att jag maste har läst ngt av honom ;-)
2007-09-15 02:31:54
The Lotto Badge badge
The Lotto Badge
The Lotto Badge is awarded only to the truly lucky. The Gods look favorably upon this one.
awarded on 2010-09-01

Level 21
Jobbet är bra, men det är lite irriterende att det är om lördagen. F.eks. var jag til fest i går, så det är inte great att jobba næste dag. Jag skal pröva att få job i BlockBuster!

Sociale tabere är "poor people," junkies, alcoholics, pushere, unge modere etc. Gymnasiet är 3 år, men jag är i 2. år nu, så 2009 är jag færdig.

Jag känner Susanne Brögger, men inte den bok, "Creme Fraiche." Åh, jag vil ochså läsa mera klassisk litteratur, faktisk. :) - Jeg känner Benjamin Lebert, hehe, för många år tilbake läste jag "Crazy." Jag tyckade den var mycket bra, men det är længe siden. Jag kan inte huske den så vel nu. Men han var mycket ung då han skrev "Crazy," är det inte sann?

- Interrail och musik lyter som spændende bok topics! Jag skal kanske begynne på något John Irving, för att udvite min kunskap.
2007-09-15 01:33:58
The One Year Anniversary Badge badge
The One Year Anniversary Badge
Issued to those who have stuck it out for a year here on MTC. What a long, strange trip, huh?
awarded on 2008-02-18

Level 11
Hey! Hur är jobbet?

Vad är social "tabere"? Poor people? Har du 2 eller 3 ar i gymnasiet?

Jag har lyssnad pa en audiobok av en danska författere i början av sommeren. Den var pa svenska och läst av Nina Persson. Susanna Brögger - Creme Fraiche. Känner du det? Om det inte vara svenska, skullle jag förmodligen inte har läst den till slut. Jag är inte pryd, men det handlar ju bara om sex (eller kanske har jag inte fölrstod allt). Igar har jag börjad att lyssnar pa Flauberts "Madame Bovary", jag tycker att det vore bra att känner mera klassik literatur. Som bok läser jag ett bok av en tyska författere, Benjamin Lebert. Han har skrivit en bok som heter "Crazy" som hade ochsa blivit filmad. Den nya boken (som jag läser) handlar om en ung författare som gör en interrail tour i skandinavien med en tjej. Nästa boken ligger redan pa nattbordet. Det är en andra tyska författere (Frank Goosen) och handlar om musik.
2007-09-09 12:15:38
The Lotto Badge badge
The Lotto Badge
The Lotto Badge is awarded only to the truly lucky. The Gods look favorably upon this one.
awarded on 2010-09-01

Level 21
Skolan är "tough," dette är mit 2. år på gymnasie, och 2. år är altid det sværeste, tyckar alla. Det lyder "hyggeligt" med en smule semester! Faktisk så har min mor ochså lige fået en ny baby.

He he, nej, nu är der inte så længe till att Harry Potter blir oversat i Skandinavien. Har du hört nogla "spoilers" indtil videre? Det håber jag inte!

Jo, jag har faktisk lige læst en roman av en dansk forfatter, der hedder Benn Q. Holm. Han har skrevet en roman, der hedder Album, som handler om sociale tabere i København/Danmark fra 1970'erne til 2000. Den är faktisk mycket spændende, kanske kan man få den i tyska/svenska version ochså? De är i gang med att filmatisere den, och en av mina venner skal spilla med i den! Det är så cool. :)
- Hur med dig? Har du läst nogat spændende?

The Raveonettes er danska, ja. Jag skal skrive dig en längere post om de gode danska bands (inte Aqua, nej! Ha ha). Nu skal jag desvärre jobbe.

Ttyl, Kathi!
2007-09-08 02:05:57