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Below you will find the extracted and combined tags between eric's and e_puck's tagboard, arranged in chronological order for your viewing pleasure.
Page 1  |  Total Results: 14  |  Showing: 1 - 14
The One Year Anniversary Badge badge
The One Year Anniversary Badge
Issued to those who have stuck it out for a year here on MTC. What a long, strange trip, huh?
awarded on 2008-05-14

Level 8
I still think I should have gotten the yay badge. I'm all about the yay!o!!!
2006-09-16 16:34:33
The One Year Anniversary Badge badge
The One Year Anniversary Badge
Issued to those who have stuck it out for a year here on MTC. What a long, strange trip, huh?
awarded on 2008-05-14

Level 8

Why didn't I get a 'yay' badge! I INVENTED the yay. Secondly wtf is this: http://pro file.myspace.com/index.cfm ?fuseaction=user.viewprofi le&friendid=64082668

That green looks familiar.
2006-07-07 09:52:11
The Yay! Badge VIII badge
The Yay! Badge VIII
This confounding badge is bestowed to those who can truly realize the wondrous consternation and inhuman scintillance of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-01-11

Level 25
Hrmmm... should I be concerned?

Congrats on graduating, son :D
2006-06-22 20:08:19
The One Year Anniversary Badge badge
The One Year Anniversary Badge
Issued to those who have stuck it out for a year here on MTC. What a long, strange trip, huh?
awarded on 2008-05-14

Level 8
Hey is there a way to see who you've invited to mc org?
2006-06-18 16:42:48
The One Year Anniversary Badge badge
The One Year Anniversary Badge
Issued to those who have stuck it out for a year here on MTC. What a long, strange trip, huh?
awarded on 2008-05-14

Level 8
Go get em tiger.
2006-06-16 12:38:21
The One Year Anniversary Badge badge
The One Year Anniversary Badge
Issued to those who have stuck it out for a year here on MTC. What a long, strange trip, huh?
awarded on 2008-05-14

Level 8
I just looked and my only mixtape is the lowest rated mixtape on this site... by a LOT. Gosh golly! I should just give up nobody understands my idea of a mixtape!
2006-06-03 10:15:14
The One Year Anniversary Badge badge
The One Year Anniversary Badge
Issued to those who have stuck it out for a year here on MTC. What a long, strange trip, huh?
awarded on 2008-05-14

Level 8
What can I say about Eric that hasn't already been said about my party time rap mix?
2006-05-24 15:43:14
The Yay! Badge VIII badge
The Yay! Badge VIII
This confounding badge is bestowed to those who can truly realize the wondrous consternation and inhuman scintillance of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-01-11

Level 25
2006-05-24 15:36:44
The Yay! Badge VIII badge
The Yay! Badge VIII
This confounding badge is bestowed to those who can truly realize the wondrous consternation and inhuman scintillance of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-01-11

Level 25
I'm not a big fan of rap, but I respect the time you put into it.

Actually, you SHOULD be working on CS472 right now, just like I should...
2006-05-23 22:45:31
The One Year Anniversary Badge badge
The One Year Anniversary Badge
Issued to those who have stuck it out for a year here on MTC. What a long, strange trip, huh?
awarded on 2008-05-14

Level 8
Get ready for my classic rock mix! Its gunna be killa. There should be a badge for the most work put into a nice mix that everyone hates because its rap. Its not easy being me.
2006-05-23 22:43:40
The Yay! Badge VIII badge
The Yay! Badge VIII
This confounding badge is bestowed to those who can truly realize the wondrous consternation and inhuman scintillance of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-01-11

Level 25
Hey, I gave your mix a good score!
2006-05-22 23:48:16
The One Year Anniversary Badge badge
The One Year Anniversary Badge
Issued to those who have stuck it out for a year here on MTC. What a long, strange trip, huh?
awarded on 2008-05-14

Level 8
Hey how about you vote my mix down a little more..... yeah.. does that make you feel better? Jerk!

2006-05-22 23:41:29
The Yay! Badge VIII badge
The Yay! Badge VIII
This confounding badge is bestowed to those who can truly realize the wondrous consternation and inhuman scintillance of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-01-11

Level 25
Hot girls like that don't like music, jaysix.
2006-05-17 20:51:37
The Yay! Badge VIII badge
The Yay! Badge VIII
This confounding badge is bestowed to those who can truly realize the wondrous consternation and inhuman scintillance of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-01-11

Level 25
Yeah, welcome to the collective!
2006-05-16 16:26:13