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Album Info


Name Shadows are Security
Artist As I Lay Dying
Release Year 2005
# of Tracks 12


Points 1225
Number of User Ratings 1
Average User Rating 5
Number of Times Songs From Album Used In Mixes 2
Number of Distinct Mixtapes Using Tracks From Album 2
Average Points For Mixes Using Tracks From Album 363
Number of Tracks Associated With Album 12
Average Points For Album's Tracks 1087

Track Listing

These tracks correctly adhere to the number of tracks specified for this album.
# Track Points
1 Meaning In Tragedy 1075
2 Confined 1075
3 Losing Sight 1075
4 The Darkest Nights 1075
5 Empty Hearts 1075
6 Reflection 1225
7 Repeating Yesterday 1075
8 Through Struggle 1075
9 The Truth Of My Perception 1075
10 Control Is Dead 1075
11 Morning Waits 1075
12 Illusions 1075

10 most popular mixes that use tracks from this album

Creator Mixtape Points
SKT805 A for Effort 1700
robotkiller Lets break into it all -973

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Database Info

  • added by: robotkiller
  • added on: 6/16/06 08:09pm
  • modified:
    6/16/06 08:09pm