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The Family Badge badge
The Family Badge
What always comes first? That's right, breakfast. What comes second? Yep, mixtapecollective. Third? You got it, family. A special honor for the especially special mixtaping family.
awarded on 2006-09-26

Level 14 Crosstalk!
hey whats up
1/09/07 03:53pm
The Family Badge badge
The Family Badge
What always comes first? That's right, breakfast. What comes second? Yep, mixtapecollective. Third? You got it, family. A special honor for the especially special mixtaping family.
awarded on 2006-09-26

Level 14 Crosstalk!
12/24/06 01:16pm
The Level 5 Badge badge
The Level 5 Badge
Welcome to level 5! Keep up the hard work.
awarded on 2006-11-10

Level 7 Crosstalk!
Thanks for the add. Pink + bunnies = fantastic. :)
11/02/06 10:44am
The MLK Badge badge
The MLK Badge
Because Civil Rights rock (and roll).
awarded on 2009-03-07

Level 27 Crosstalk!
They totally do say that though.
10/28/06 04:44pm
The Halloween 2006 Badge badge
The Halloween 2006 Badge
Happy Halloween from the MTC staff. Also, we put razorblades in your candy.
awarded on 2006-10-31

Level 15 Crosstalk!
anchorman papa burgundy come on
10/26/06 06:47pm
The Valentine's Day 2007 Badge badge
The Valentine's Day 2007 Badge
Happy Valentine's day from the MTC staff. We really love you guys. That said, put your pants on and get out before we call the cops.
awarded on 2007-02-14

Level 21 Crosstalk!
10/26/06 02:50am
Team Robot - First Place badge
Team Robot - First Place
A special badge for the first-place winner of the fabled robots vs. monsters mixtape contest. As my boy Johnny 5 would say, "Robot Team kick your ass, Robot Team Kick your face, Robot Team kick your balls into outer space"
awarded on 2006-10-18

Level 28 Crosstalk!
4Hero!!! AWSOME!
10/25/06 11:00pm
The Yay! Badge IX badge
The Yay! Badge IX
This astonishing badge is bestowed to the MTC brethren who can truly conceptualize the wondrous spectacle and mind-altering ramifications of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-08-17

Level 15 Crosstalk!
that's a great question. i guess the MTC gods were smiling on me at the moment i posted that link.
10/24/06 05:33pm
The Yay! Badge IX badge
The Yay! Badge IX
This astonishing badge is bestowed to the MTC brethren who can truly conceptualize the wondrous spectacle and mind-altering ramifications of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-08-17

Level 15 Crosstalk!
pg tips is the UK's finest tea! check it out: http://www.pgmoment.com/
10/24/06 04:46pm
The Yay! Badge IX badge
The Yay! Badge IX
This astonishing badge is bestowed to the MTC brethren who can truly conceptualize the wondrous spectacle and mind-altering ramifications of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-08-17

Level 15 Crosstalk!
that is, for the color pink
10/24/06 04:43pm
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