These are links to some of the major sections in the mixtape collective.
- Lists: Browse various lists that are generated by the loads of data we have collected.
- Contests: Check out the latest contests, see previous winners, and find out how you can be a part
- Music: Check out our ever-growing database of musical knowledge! Use it to find any artist, album, or track that has been entered since the birth of the site and rate and find detailed usage statistics.
Tired of looking at the same old pages? Try checking out a random
one, you never know what you might find...
neal's Badges
These are the badges that neal has earned.Page: 1
Description: A slightly exclusive (5 total) special badge bestowed to those who can truly understand the complicated, multifaceted intricacies and religion/cult-like implications of the phrase 'yay!'
Date Awarded: 10.10.06
Description: Issued to those who have stuck it out for a year here on MTC. What a long, strange trip, huh?
Date Awarded: 10.7.07
Description: This badge is only bestowed to those clever enough to find it. Now get off the computer and go celebrate everyone's favourite zombie.
Date Awarded: 11.30.-1
Description: The true sign of a fresh mixtaper. This badge is awarded to everyone. Don't feel special.
Date Awarded: 3.9.06
Description: The Lotto Badge is awarded only to the truly lucky. The Gods look favorably upon this one.
Date Awarded: 8.28.06
Description: A gift from us to those who logged in on the most glorious day of the year -- America's birthday. Now, where the crap are my M-80s and beer?
Date Awarded: 7.4.06
Description: This badge is awarded to those who went above and beyond the call of duty and told us how much 'the Collective' really sucks.
Date Awarded: 3.20.06
Description: Since we are young and generally unthoughtful, here is our belated Christmas gift to you. Eric colored it himself. Yay!
Date Awarded: 1.1.08
Description: A slightly-less exclusive reward for special people. Thanks for helping us out with our second stage of beta testing. We love you silly guinea pigs!
Date Awarded: 5.16.06
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