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Page 2  |  Total Results: 146  |  Showing: 21 - 40
Contest 19 is complete
By eric
2/16/08 03:29pm
Contest 19 is OVER. I even made it in the top 3 -- impressive.

Congrats to everyone who played along -- badges have been awarded and points as well.

Keep an eye out for an epic contest starting next week -- MIX CONTEST 20! YOW!

Contest 19 is live!
By eric
1/26/08 02:10pm
Czech it out! A massive 500 points to the winner! Yay!

Contest 18 is complete
By eric
1/10/08 11:22pm
Contest 18 is FINISHED. The top 3 were in tight competition.

Congrats to T-bag, camilasalles and Cassee for first, second and third place. Actually, congrats to everyone who played along. I've given you 200 points for doing so.

Finally, a badge to everyone who yells YAY! before 10am PST on 01/11/2008.

Happy holidaze
By eric
12/25/07 12:16pm
I'm connected to internet via a bitchin' 33.6 faxmodem and holy hell is it slow. I just wanted to wish everyone around these parts a happy holidays -- I'm keeping a list and checking it twice -- expect some badges when I'm back in the land of highspeed.

Much love.

Contest 17 is complete
By eric
12/01/07 11:46am
Thanks for playing along, there were some really amazing entries. Badges and points have been awarded.

I'm going to be out of town for work for the next week, so expect a contest upon my return.


By eric
11/06/07 08:15pm
Contest 17 is live. Thanks to sledg for the suggestion. Now go play!

A vision of mixtapes
By eric
10/31/07 12:48pm
A really cool idea struck me the other day, so I thought I'd run it up the flagpole and see what everyone thinks:

1 -- People create a 'share' address on their profile with their mailing address (not viewable by anyone except the user)

2 -- People flag mixes that they've made as being 'up for trade'

3 -- Two people agree to exchange mixes

4 -- Each person send *us* their mix, in an unaddressed, postmarked envelope with an exchange ID written on it,

5 -- We generate labels and resend to each person, thus keeping the end-user's contact information private.

6 -- Sending is broken into two or three 'batches' throughout the month.

Any thoughts? Suggestions? Insults? Hurl them my way.

CONTEST XVI is complete
By eric
10/15/07 09:11pm
Congrats to our winners. This has been one of my favourite contests to date. Thanks for playing, y'all.

Another contest / activity to come soon. Pay attention, yo.

Contest XVI
By eric
9/30/07 02:18pm
Contest XVI has been posted. How appropriate, as the weather here is complete crap.

On a side note, I've added a few more 'accomplishment' badges around the site. Expect to see more of them. I'm finally starting to feel better. Sickness sucks. Also, roman numerals suck. Or I suck at using roman numerals. Either way.

Much love, y'all.

Down with the sickness?
By eric
9/25/07 07:48pm
All --

I fully meant to post a contest this weekend, but I caught some infernal bug. I'm sick as hell. When I recover, you shall have a contest.

Rock on. I'm going back to my NyQuil-induced visions.

By eric
9/10/07 09:02pm
Holler. Mixtape Contest 15 is officially over. It's been a great ride -- I enjoyed it. I know there are lots of ideas in the forums, but anyone have a good idea for contest 16?

Much love to all.

By eric
8/26/07 03:21pm
Whoa. Long time no post. I've been up to my eyeballs in work, but I finally crawled out enough to post a new contest. I think this one will be tons-o-fun.

And, while I'm at it -- the first 15 people to drop the "YAY!" bomb get badges.

Aside from that, how have you all been?

Mixtape Contest XIV is OVER
By eric
8/10/07 04:21pm
Just a quick note -- I awarded the badges a few days ago, but just got around to issuing points to the winners. Thanks to everyone that played.

There should be a new contest / activity in less than a week's time.

Party on, bitches.

A disturbance in the force / marriage
By eric
8/03/07 03:25pm
Some of you might have felt a disturbance in the force today. Derhay hath been reset by his own request. Welcome back to level 1, sucker!

Also, Corey is getting married tomorrow. Congrats, brother!

By eric
7/25/07 11:29pm
I just happen to be going on Vacation at the end of the week, which requires a fairly length drive. Divinely inspired, the new contest has been posted.

See you on the road, suckers.

Corey Appreciation Week 2007
By eric
7/17/07 11:48pm
I know I'm a little late, but according to my calendar, the third week in July is Corey Appreciation Week. It is a week in which we are to celebrate the main brain of the operation, Corey.

The programming god he is, he's been working like a coal miner in the background. Help me is saying thanks to Corey and his hard work since the start.


Contest XIII is OVER!
By eric
7/14/07 05:15pm
Contest XIII is OVER. Thanks for playing, y'all. There were a lot of really superb mixes.

I've issued out badges and points -- forgive me if they are random. You try coming up with badges based on Potpourri.

Another contest will be coming within the week -- keep you eyes out.

On a side note, Corey and I have been working really hard on 2.0 -- it's going to kick so much ass. More news as it comes.

Rock out, y'all.

Contest XIII is alive!
By eric
6/30/07 08:05pm
Go mix your hearts out! Yay!

Contest XIII Coming Soon
By eric
6/28/07 08:45pm
Keep your eye out over the weekend. My ladyfriend is out of town, so I'll be nerding it up all weekend long. YAY!

Contest XII screwup / morale.
By eric
6/23/07 07:37pm
I forgot to give out points for the last contest. My bad. I'll be doing so shortly. Watch the inflation go.

Anyone down for another potpourri contest?