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Log Posting

By eric
2/28/07 06:53pm
Another guerrilla YAY! badge attack!

Everyone who posts the phrase 'YAY!' before 11:59 (PST) gets a badge.



Team Robot - First Place badge
Team Robot - First Place
A special badge for the first-place winner of the fabled robots vs. monsters mixtape contest. As my boy Johnny 5 would say, "Robot Team kick your ass, Robot Team Kick your face, Robot Team kick your balls into outer space"
awarded on 2006-10-18

Level 28
3/04/07 11:49am
The Valentine's Day 2007 Badge badge
The Valentine's Day 2007 Badge
Happy Valentine's day from the MTC staff. We really love you guys. That said, put your pants on and get out before we call the cops.
awarded on 2007-02-14

Level 21
yay. FUCK.
3/02/07 10:47am
The One Year Anniversary Badge badge
The One Year Anniversary Badge
Issued to those who have stuck it out for a year here on MTC. What a long, strange trip, huh?
awarded on 2007-10-11

Level 14
Shut up juice has a funny aftertaste...
3/02/07 10:14am
The Badge of Mystery badge
The Badge of Mystery
Huh?!? Where did this come from?
awarded on 2008-08-14

Level 26
Ahh, the internet.
3/02/07 07:42am
The Yay! Badge IX badge
The Yay! Badge IX
This astonishing badge is bestowed to the MTC brethren who can truly conceptualize the wondrous spectacle and mind-altering ramifications of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-08-17

Level 36
I say openmicmike should drink some shut up juice.


Who's childish now?

The YAY! Terrorist
3/02/07 01:03am
The Yay! Badge VI badge
The Yay! Badge VI
This elusive badge is bestowed to those who can truly comprehend the colossal sophistication and the unfathomable, enigmatical origins of the elusive 'YAY!'.

Plus, 500 users. Hell yay!
awarded on 2007-05-16

Level 19
where my badge at?!
3/02/07 12:33am
The One Year Anniversary Badge badge
The One Year Anniversary Badge
Issued to those who have stuck it out for a year here on MTC. What a long, strange trip, huh?
awarded on 2007-10-11

Level 14
I say sledg gets -points for the childish attempts to receive the badge.
3/01/07 11:31pm
The Yay! Badge VIII badge
The Yay! Badge VIII
This confounding badge is bestowed to those who can truly realize the wondrous consternation and inhuman scintillance of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-01-11

Level 25
most tags ever?
3/01/07 09:11pm
The One Year Anniversary Badge badge
The One Year Anniversary Badge
Issued to those who have stuck it out for a year here on MTC. What a long, strange trip, huh?
awarded on 2007-10-11

Level 14
'Monolithic complexity and undeniable obscurity...' Haha...that's awesome.
3/01/07 03:06pm
The Bronze Badge badge
The Bronze Badge
Wow, one of your mixes is doing swell in the ratings! But remember, Bob Dole did 'swell' in the primaries...
awarded on 2008-09-27

Level 15
3/01/07 02:51pm
The Festivus '08 Badge badge
The Festivus '08 Badge
Frank Costanza:

"Many Christmases ago, I went to buy a doll for my son. I reached for the last one they had, but so did another man. As I rained blows upon him, I realized there had to be another way."

Festivus For The Rest Of Us, MTC 2008
awarded on 2009-03-07

Level 28

3/01/07 01:02pm
The Yay! Badge IX badge
The Yay! Badge IX
This astonishing badge is bestowed to the MTC brethren who can truly conceptualize the wondrous spectacle and mind-altering ramifications of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-08-17

Level 36
3/01/07 12:54pm
The Yay! Badge IX badge
The Yay! Badge IX
This astonishing badge is bestowed to the MTC brethren who can truly conceptualize the wondrous spectacle and mind-altering ramifications of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-08-17

Level 36
Ill take that as "More YAY's please!"
3/01/07 12:52pm
The Yay! Badge VIII badge
The Yay! Badge VIII
This confounding badge is bestowed to those who can truly realize the wondrous consternation and inhuman scintillance of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-01-11

Level 25
Sledg, you are fired.
3/01/07 12:30pm
The Yay! Badge IX badge
The Yay! Badge IX
This astonishing badge is bestowed to the MTC brethren who can truly conceptualize the wondrous spectacle and mind-altering ramifications of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-08-17

Level 36
Give me a badge or else more YAY! will rain down upon thee!
3/01/07 11:22am
The Yay! Badge IX badge
The Yay! Badge IX
This astonishing badge is bestowed to the MTC brethren who can truly conceptualize the wondrous spectacle and mind-altering ramifications of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-08-17

Level 36
3/01/07 11:21am
The Yay! Badge IX badge
The Yay! Badge IX
This astonishing badge is bestowed to the MTC brethren who can truly conceptualize the wondrous spectacle and mind-altering ramifications of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-08-17

Level 36
3/01/07 11:21am
The Yay! Badge IX badge
The Yay! Badge IX
This astonishing badge is bestowed to the MTC brethren who can truly conceptualize the wondrous spectacle and mind-altering ramifications of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-08-17

Level 36
3/01/07 11:21am
The Yay! Badge IX badge
The Yay! Badge IX
This astonishing badge is bestowed to the MTC brethren who can truly conceptualize the wondrous spectacle and mind-altering ramifications of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-08-17

Level 36
3/01/07 11:20am
The Yay! Badge IX badge
The Yay! Badge IX
This astonishing badge is bestowed to the MTC brethren who can truly conceptualize the wondrous spectacle and mind-altering ramifications of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-08-17

Level 36
3/01/07 11:20am
The Yay! Badge IX badge
The Yay! Badge IX
This astonishing badge is bestowed to the MTC brethren who can truly conceptualize the wondrous spectacle and mind-altering ramifications of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-08-17

Level 36
3/01/07 11:20am
The Yay! Badge IX badge
The Yay! Badge IX
This astonishing badge is bestowed to the MTC brethren who can truly conceptualize the wondrous spectacle and mind-altering ramifications of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-08-17

Level 36
3/01/07 11:20am
The Yay! Badge IX badge
The Yay! Badge IX
This astonishing badge is bestowed to the MTC brethren who can truly conceptualize the wondrous spectacle and mind-altering ramifications of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-08-17

Level 36
3/01/07 11:20am
The Yay! Badge IX badge
The Yay! Badge IX
This astonishing badge is bestowed to the MTC brethren who can truly conceptualize the wondrous spectacle and mind-altering ramifications of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-08-17

Level 36
3/01/07 11:20am
The Yay! Badge IX badge
The Yay! Badge IX
This astonishing badge is bestowed to the MTC brethren who can truly conceptualize the wondrous spectacle and mind-altering ramifications of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-08-17

Level 36
3/01/07 10:46am
The Yay! Badge IX badge
The Yay! Badge IX
This astonishing badge is bestowed to the MTC brethren who can truly conceptualize the wondrous spectacle and mind-altering ramifications of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-08-17

Level 36
3/01/07 10:46am
The Yay! Badge IX badge
The Yay! Badge IX
This astonishing badge is bestowed to the MTC brethren who can truly conceptualize the wondrous spectacle and mind-altering ramifications of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-08-17

Level 36
3/01/07 10:46am
The Yay! Badge IX badge
The Yay! Badge IX
This astonishing badge is bestowed to the MTC brethren who can truly conceptualize the wondrous spectacle and mind-altering ramifications of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-08-17

Level 36
3/01/07 10:46am
The Yay! Badge IX badge
The Yay! Badge IX
This astonishing badge is bestowed to the MTC brethren who can truly conceptualize the wondrous spectacle and mind-altering ramifications of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-08-17

Level 36
3/01/07 10:46am
The Yay! Badge IX badge
The Yay! Badge IX
This astonishing badge is bestowed to the MTC brethren who can truly conceptualize the wondrous spectacle and mind-altering ramifications of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-08-17

Level 36
3/01/07 10:46am
The Yay! Badge IX badge
The Yay! Badge IX
This astonishing badge is bestowed to the MTC brethren who can truly conceptualize the wondrous spectacle and mind-altering ramifications of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-08-17

Level 36
3/01/07 10:46am
The Yay! Badge IX badge
The Yay! Badge IX
This astonishing badge is bestowed to the MTC brethren who can truly conceptualize the wondrous spectacle and mind-altering ramifications of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-08-17

Level 36
3/01/07 10:46am
The Yay! Badge IX badge
The Yay! Badge IX
This astonishing badge is bestowed to the MTC brethren who can truly conceptualize the wondrous spectacle and mind-altering ramifications of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-08-17

Level 36
Yay Cluster Bomb!
3/01/07 10:45am
The Yay! Badge IX badge
The Yay! Badge IX
This astonishing badge is bestowed to the MTC brethren who can truly conceptualize the wondrous spectacle and mind-altering ramifications of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-08-17

Level 36
3/01/07 09:56am
The Level 21 Badge badge
The Level 21 Badge
You're finally legal! Huzzah! We all know you've been boozing since you were 13, but don't worry, we'll keep quiet.

Now, get off the damn computer and go hit up the bars.
awarded on 2007-07-25

Level 24
F !
3/01/07 07:06am
The Yay! Badge VI badge
The Yay! Badge VI
This elusive badge is bestowed to those who can truly comprehend the colossal sophistication and the unfathomable, enigmatical origins of the elusive 'YAY!'.

Plus, 500 users. Hell yay!
awarded on 2007-05-16

Level 18
oh, you are kidding! why am I always asleep when stuff like this happens...

damn you timezones :(
3/01/07 04:54am
The Yay! Badge VI badge
The Yay! Badge VI
This elusive badge is bestowed to those who can truly comprehend the colossal sophistication and the unfathomable, enigmatical origins of the elusive 'YAY!'.

Plus, 500 users. Hell yay!
awarded on 2007-05-16

Level 18
3/01/07 04:54am
The 6/6/6 Badge badge
The 6/6/6 Badge
Special thanks to those that embraced the Collective on this most sacrilegious of holidays. Mix on, you vile tormentor of souls!
awarded on 2006-06-06

Level 18
YAY! ...figured it's worth a try
3/01/07 12:17am
The Yay! Badge VI badge
The Yay! Badge VI
This elusive badge is bestowed to those who can truly comprehend the colossal sophistication and the unfathomable, enigmatical origins of the elusive 'YAY!'.

Plus, 500 users. Hell yay!
awarded on 2007-05-16

Level 19
YAY! i finally caught another one of these!
2/28/07 11:19pm
The Patton Badge badge
The Patton Badge
Driving Lamborghini's and sipping on martinis. This badge is for those who express their love of Mike Patton through mixtape.
awarded on 2008-08-07

Level 27
yay. does that count? i just spent 13 hours at work and can't do capitals or exclamations.
2/28/07 10:51pm
The One Year Anniversary Badge badge
The One Year Anniversary Badge
Issued to those who have stuck it out for a year here on MTC. What a long, strange trip, huh?
awarded on 2007-10-11

Level 14
2/28/07 09:42pm
Team Robot - Second Place badge
Team Robot - Second Place
A special badge for the second-place winner of the amazing robots vs. monsters mixtape contest. Uncanny skills, precision mixing and laser vision truly makes them worthy of second. Robot rock.
awarded on 2006-10-18

Level 23
2/28/07 09:40pm
The MLK Badge badge
The MLK Badge
Because Civil Rights rock (and roll).
awarded on 2009-03-07

Level 27
2/28/07 09:29pm
The Badge of Mystery badge
The Badge of Mystery
Huh?!? Where did this come from?
awarded on 2008-08-14

Level 26

I mad been missing the YAY game. Especially since I was ganked of it last time.
2/28/07 09:12pm
The 6/6/6 Badge badge
The 6/6/6 Badge
Special thanks to those that embraced the Collective on this most sacrilegious of holidays. Mix on, you vile tormentor of souls!
awarded on 2006-06-06

Level 20
yay bitches.
2/28/07 09:00pm
The Yay! Badge VIII badge
The Yay! Badge VIII
This confounding badge is bestowed to those who can truly realize the wondrous consternation and inhuman scintillance of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-01-11

Level 25
Damn. This gonna' be a big batch o' badges.
2/28/07 08:15pm
Mixtape Contest XXV: 1st Place badge
Mixtape Contest XXV: 1st Place
You brutally murdered and made skin masks out of your competition! Way to go!

Congratulations on First Place!
awarded on 2008-12-21

Level 28
2/28/07 08:08pm
Mixtape Contest X: First Place badge
Mixtape Contest X: First Place
In the future, Biff Tannen will almost assuredly own all of our asses. So, here's a preemptive honoring of his eventual kingship.

Congrats on first -- the future thanks you. Now, make like a tree and get the hell out.
awarded on 2007-03-30

Level 17
2/28/07 08:07pm
The MTC Romance Badge badge
The MTC Romance Badge
A gift for the romantics.
awarded on 2007-07-17

Level 17
2/28/07 08:02pm
The MTC Romance Badge badge
The MTC Romance Badge
A gift for the romantics.
awarded on 2007-07-17

Level 18
2/28/07 07:53pm
The Fibonacci Badge badge
The Fibonacci Badge
Fn := F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2)
awarded on 2006-07-07

Level 14
2/28/07 07:48pm
The Bronze Badge badge
The Bronze Badge
Wow, one of your mixes is doing swell in the ratings! But remember, Bob Dole did 'swell' in the primaries...
awarded on 2007-06-29

Level 24
Hey Eric, you technically never posted the phrase 'YAY!', so no badge for you.
2/28/07 07:13pm
The Friday the 13th Badge I badge
The Friday the 13th Badge I
Friday the 13th taught us all the heartwarming lesson that if you are a camp counselor, it's probably not in your best interest to let that (potentially mentally retarded [see wikipedia]) kid swim alone while you are trying to get a piece of ass.
awarded on 2007-07-14

Level 23
2/28/07 07:12pm
The Level 21 Badge badge
The Level 21 Badge
You're finally legal! Huzzah! We all know you've been boozing since you were 13, but don't worry, we'll keep quiet.

Now, get off the damn computer and go hit up the bars.
awarded on 2007-06-23

Level 28
2/28/07 07:11pm
The Bronze Badge badge
The Bronze Badge
Wow, one of your mixes is doing swell in the ratings! But remember, Bob Dole did 'swell' in the primaries...
awarded on 2007-06-29

Level 24
2/28/07 07:10pm
The Bronze Badge badge
The Bronze Badge
Wow, one of your mixes is doing swell in the ratings! But remember, Bob Dole did 'swell' in the primaries...
awarded on 2007-06-29

Level 24
Is slang for crack cocaine, bitch.
2/28/07 07:10pm
Team Robot Member badge
Team Robot Member
Despite the fact that TEAM ROBOT was crushed like a Pabst can at a frat party by the might claws of TEAM MONSTER, you are still deserving of a badge... Loser.
awarded on 2006-10-18

Level 40
2/28/07 07:00pm
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