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These are links to some of the major sections in the mixtape collective.
  • Lists: Browse various lists that are generated by the loads of data we have collected.
  • Contests: Check out the latest contests, see previous winners, and find out how you can be a part
  • Music: Check out our ever-growing database of musical knowledge! Use it to find any artist, album, or track that has been entered since the birth of the site and rate and find detailed usage statistics.


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Last Login

5583 days ago






profile hits
unique hits
# mixes
# posts


full name Steph
age 42
location The Dalles, OR
gender female

liner notes


The Badge of Mystery badge
The Badge of Mystery
Huh?!? Where did this come from?
awarded on 2008-08-14
The Temper Tantrum Badge badge
The Temper Tantrum Badge
A special badge honoring those among us with enough balls, audacity and lack of self-control to actually throw a temper tantrum. Now, go to your room.
awarded on 2006-10-10
Sexy Contest: First Place badge
Sexy Contest: First Place
Since your mix was released, the US has seen a drastic spike in pregnancy unlike ever before. You truly are the champion of sexy. Note: Management not responsible for lost or stolen virginity.
awarded on 2006-11-28
The Riot Badge badge
The Riot Badge
The riot badge is chemically designed pH balanced for those who are helping fuel the flames of this fire by recruiting large quantities of new members.
awarded on 2006-06-19
The Audiobiography Badge badge
The Audiobiography Badge
Awarded to those who chose to share a scene from their own life. Consider this a 'thank you' from the Collective.
awarded on 2006-06-24

Favorite Music Artists

  • Smashing Pumpkins
  • Damien Rice
  • Billie Holiday
  • Tom Waits
  • Cat Power

Favorite Music Artists x2

  • The Beatles
  • Yeah Yeah Yeahs
  • Stevie Wonder
  • Buddy Guy
  • Mazzy Star

Favorite Things to Cook

  • Hawaiian Pear French Toast
  • Eggplant Parmesan
  • Curried Veggies & Rice
  • Vegetable Soup (not canned!)
  • Mashed Sweet Potatoes

Favorite Things I'm Bad At

  • Paying Bills on Time
  • Doing the Dishes
  • Telling Brief Stories
  • Keeping a Poker Face
  • Not Over-thinking Situations

Tag Board

The Newbie Badge badge
The Newbie Badge
The true sign of a fresh mixtaper. This badge is awarded to everyone. Don't feel special.
awarded on 2006-06-16

Level 1 Crosstalk!
4/05/13 03:26pm
The Newbie Badge badge
The Newbie Badge
The true sign of a fresh mixtaper. This badge is awarded to everyone. Don't feel special.
awarded on 2006-06-16

Level 1 Crosstalk!
Hi. -Robot
1/04/10 02:20pm
The Yay! Badge IX badge
The Yay! Badge IX
This astonishing badge is bestowed to the MTC brethren who can truly conceptualize the wondrous spectacle and mind-altering ramifications of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-08-17

Level 36 Crosstalk!
Glad to see you have a new mix up :)
9/25/08 11:42am
Mixtape Contest XXIV - Hell - 3rd Place badge
Mixtape Contest XXIV - Hell - 3rd Place
King Arthur: Victory is mine!
[kneels to pray]
King Arthur: We thank thee, Lord, that in thy mercy -
[cut off by the Knight kicking him]
Black Knight: Come on, then.
King Arthur: What?
Black Knight: Have at you!
King Arthur: You are indeed brave, Sir Knight, but the fight is mine!
Black Knight: Oh, had enough, eh?
King Arthur: Look, you stupid bastard. You've got no arms left!

Much like the Black Knight, persistence is the key. Keep trying and you wil soon rise to first place on the winning team! Congrats.
awarded on 2008-11-02

Level 16 Crosstalk!
Oh no, that's garlic. I prefer its smell to actual potpourri. And I love your v mix - it's A+.
9/24/08 12:36pm
The Level 10 Badge badge
The Level 10 Badge
Welcome to level 10! Credibility is just a few levels away.
awarded on 2009-01-10

Level 11 Crosstalk!
You're welcome. And thanks for the, er, welcome!
9/23/08 06:07am
Team Robot Member badge
Team Robot Member
Despite the fact that TEAM ROBOT was crushed like a Pabst can at a frat party by the might claws of TEAM MONSTER, you are still deserving of a badge... Loser.
awarded on 2006-10-18

Level 40 Crosstalk!
Oh yes, Jessica Rabbit indeed. I think my favorite song on that mixtape so far is 'Alarm Clock Boogie'. Great stuff!
9/04/08 08:56am
The One Year Anniversary Badge badge
The One Year Anniversary Badge
Issued to those who have stuck it out for a year here on MTC. What a long, strange trip, huh?
awarded on 2008-02-14

Level 11 Crosstalk!
So I totally forgot about this website for about a year... but I'm BACK!
8/20/08 10:15pm
The Yay! Badge VIII badge
The Yay! Badge VIII
This confounding badge is bestowed to those who can truly realize the wondrous consternation and inhuman scintillance of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-01-11

Level 25 Crosstalk!
Totally his fault. I got it fingered out.
8/17/08 01:39pm
The Yay! Badge IX badge
The Yay! Badge IX
This astonishing badge is bestowed to the MTC brethren who can truly conceptualize the wondrous spectacle and mind-altering ramifications of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-08-17

Level 36 Crosstalk!
Try again, then report to EFF
8/15/08 08:47am
The Yay! Badge IX badge
The Yay! Badge IX
This astonishing badge is bestowed to the MTC brethren who can truly conceptualize the wondrous spectacle and mind-altering ramifications of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-08-17

Level 36 Crosstalk!
I took away your second mystery badge as Im trying to stay on top of the double, triple, quadruple badge thing. When I do this though, it automatically takes both away so I gave you the badge again to replace the two. I think I just made it sound way more complicated then it was. Any way, thats why you got the badge again.
8/14/08 11:01am
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