These are links to some of the major sections in the mixtape collective.
- Lists: Browse various lists that are generated by the loads of data we have collected.
- Contests: Check out the latest contests, see previous winners, and find out how you can be a part
- Music: Check out our ever-growing database of musical knowledge! Use it to find any artist, album, or track that has been entered since the birth of the site and rate and find detailed usage statistics.
Tired of looking at the same old pages? Try checking out a random
one, you never know what you might find...
Log Posting
I'm playing proxy again, posting as proxy for SLEDG:
Congratulations to Calaveth, Rachael, and Johnny_Luddite, who came in First, Second, and Third Place in this very difficult contest. Thank you to everyone that participated.
Next up, another "Contest Contest", where everyone posts their contest ideas on this page, we then vote, and the winner gets a badge. If you have an idea, post it here. After a week, we will vote and after another week of voting we will have a brand new contest.
Also, I would like to see what kind of MTC wallpapers you creative folks out there can come up with. For a little side contest, you all have a whole month to submit to me your creations (in the dimensions the currently available wallpapers are in please), to:
At the end of the month we will have a vote on the winner. I encourage everyone to give it a shot!
And last, if any of you out there have any suggestions for the site, please feel free to message me about them. Daedalus suggested maybe coming up with an MTC facebook application. What do you guys think about that?
Special Badges are headed to the anyone who posts what their favorite album from the year they were born is, and why. Post it here as well.
Congratulations to Calaveth, Rachael, and Johnny_Luddite, who came in First, Second, and Third Place in this very difficult contest. Thank you to everyone that participated.
Next up, another "Contest Contest", where everyone posts their contest ideas on this page, we then vote, and the winner gets a badge. If you have an idea, post it here. After a week, we will vote and after another week of voting we will have a brand new contest.
Also, I would like to see what kind of MTC wallpapers you creative folks out there can come up with. For a little side contest, you all have a whole month to submit to me your creations (in the dimensions the currently available wallpapers are in please), to:
At the end of the month we will have a vote on the winner. I encourage everyone to give it a shot!
And last, if any of you out there have any suggestions for the site, please feel free to message me about them. Daedalus suggested maybe coming up with an MTC facebook application. What do you guys think about that?
Special Badges are headed to the anyone who posts what their favorite album from the year they were born is, and why. Post it here as well.
I would like to do the Choose Your Own Adventure as a cooperative thing. Maybe as a relay - One person sets an opening scene and offer the different "paths", including the song that will come with that path. We vote which way to go, then someone else write the next scene and the new available paths/songs to add to the mix, and so on until we have a mix.
9/10/08 08:57am

The Yay! Badge XII
Another badge for those that don't need to be bribed to Yay!
awarded on 2009-01-29
Level 22
Choose your own adventure! or Potpourri!
9/10/08 08:38am

Mixtape Potpourri II: Third Place
A random badge for a random mix, Serious Cat is mildly amused by your mix. Congrats on third.
Serious Cat for president. 2008. Seriously.
Serious Cat for president. 2008. Seriously.
awarded on 2007-07-14
Level 26
Holy crap i love galaxiepi's idea
9/10/08 02:36am

Team Robot Member
Despite the fact that TEAM ROBOT was crushed like a Pabst can at a frat party by the might claws of TEAM MONSTER, you are still deserving of a badge... Loser.
awarded on 2006-10-18
Level 40
It is time for a new Potpourri contest, but here are a few more crap ideas.
1. Negativity Mix. A mixtape for someone who would be a foe of yours if they were on MTC. Could be a minor or major celeb (Sal could have Mark E Smith for instance) someone you know personally, a hated historical figure, a hated fictional character, anyone, just as long as you rip them to shreds with your mixtaping prowess and let everyone know why he/she does NOT float your boat.
2. A Wedarriffic Mix. Take two people (see categories in last idea), marry them off to each other and create a mixtape to be played at the wedding.
3. Music your Grandkids will need to know about.
That's it
1. Negativity Mix. A mixtape for someone who would be a foe of yours if they were on MTC. Could be a minor or major celeb (Sal could have Mark E Smith for instance) someone you know personally, a hated historical figure, a hated fictional character, anyone, just as long as you rip them to shreds with your mixtaping prowess and let everyone know why he/she does NOT float your boat.
2. A Wedarriffic Mix. Take two people (see categories in last idea), marry them off to each other and create a mixtape to be played at the wedding.
3. Music your Grandkids will need to know about.
That's it
9/09/08 10:56pm
A "Choose Your Own Adventure" style of mix. If you're not familiar with this childhood token, brush up here: http://en.wikipedia.or g/wiki/Choose_Your_Own_Adventure
Sledg or Eric starts off the beginning of the adventure, and then through artist names, song names, and lyrics we continue the story through til its end.
Sledg or Eric starts off the beginning of the adventure, and then through artist names, song names, and lyrics we continue the story through til its end.
9/09/08 10:48pm

The Level 15 Badge
Welcome to level 15! If we had a dollar, we'd give it to you...
awarded on 2010-03-14
Level 16
I, like johnny_luddite, was born in the mid '50s, for me in 1955. The '50s prior to 1956 is not one of my favorite periods musically, but Frank Sinatra had an LP in that year called "In the Wee Small Hours", and I can dig a little Sinatra, especially in the wee small hours. I also think that he was at his best in the late '40s through 1955.
9/09/08 08:50pm

The Festivus '08 Badge
Frank Costanza:
"Many Christmases ago, I went to buy a doll for my son. I reached for the last one they had, but so did another man. As I rained blows upon him, I realized there had to be another way."
Festivus For The Rest Of Us, MTC 2008
"Many Christmases ago, I went to buy a doll for my son. I reached for the last one they had, but so did another man. As I rained blows upon him, I realized there had to be another way."
Festivus For The Rest Of Us, MTC 2008
awarded on 2009-03-07
Level 28
the only constant in The Fall.
speed using, alcoholic asshole.
but dammit, I love his music.
the only constant in The Fall.
speed using, alcoholic asshole.
but dammit, I love his music.
9/09/08 08:18pm

The Yay! Badge IX
This astonishing badge is bestowed to the MTC brethren who can truly conceptualize the wondrous spectacle and mind-altering ramifications of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-08-17
Level 36
@ Eraserhead
Great choice sir
@ Sal
who is mark e smith?
Great choice sir
@ Sal
who is mark e smith?
9/09/08 01:18pm

The Yay! Badge VII
This baffling badge is bestowed to those who can truly grasp the striking permanence and ungodly continuance of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2007-08-27
Level 27
Good luck, Sal.
An idea I had the other day for a mix contest - reSoundtrack a day of your life to improve/alter/direct it in some way. (In honor of some great/pretty good movies, I'm giving a 24 hour time limit. So, this could be graduation day in Texas, 1976, or friggin' Rex Manning day. It's up to you.)
An idea I had the other day for a mix contest - reSoundtrack a day of your life to improve/alter/direct it in some way. (In honor of some great/pretty good movies, I'm giving a 24 hour time limit. So, this could be graduation day in Texas, 1976, or friggin' Rex Manning day. It's up to you.)
9/09/08 01:02pm

The Festivus '08 Badge
Frank Costanza:
"Many Christmases ago, I went to buy a doll for my son. I reached for the last one they had, but so did another man. As I rained blows upon him, I realized there had to be another way."
Festivus For The Rest Of Us, MTC 2008
"Many Christmases ago, I went to buy a doll for my son. I reached for the last one they had, but so did another man. As I rained blows upon him, I realized there had to be another way."
Festivus For The Rest Of Us, MTC 2008
awarded on 2009-03-07
Level 28
how about a mix to attempt to coerce Mark E. Smith into not being such an asshole?
9/09/08 09:02am
I like the idea of a new potpourri contest very much.
I'll repeat my suggestion from last time: The songs you should have listened to growing up, but didn't.
I'll repeat my suggestion from last time: The songs you should have listened to growing up, but didn't.
9/09/08 05:34am

Mixtape Contest XXV: 1st Place
You brutally murdered and made skin masks out of your competition! Way to go!
Congratulations on First Place!
Congratulations on First Place!
awarded on 2008-12-21
Level 28
The Beastie Boys - Check Your Head
It's just one big What The Fuck.
The Beastie Boys - Check Your Head
It's just one big What The Fuck.
9/09/08 12:29am

Mixtape Potpourri II: Third Place
A random badge for a random mix, Serious Cat is mildly amused by your mix. Congrats on third.
Serious Cat for president. 2008. Seriously.
Serious Cat for president. 2008. Seriously.
awarded on 2007-07-14
Level 26
No one has posted any contest ideas... I'll try and get the ball rolling...
* Beddy byes mix - Mix to listen to as you go to sleep.
* Calendar mix - A song to represent each month of the year.
* Potpourri III???? They are a lot of fun.
I can't think of anything else. I'm not very good at this.
* Beddy byes mix - Mix to listen to as you go to sleep.
* Calendar mix - A song to represent each month of the year.
* Potpourri III???? They are a lot of fun.
I can't think of anything else. I'm not very good at this.
9/08/08 07:02pm

Mixtape Contest XXIV - Hell - 3rd Place
King Arthur: Victory is mine!
[kneels to pray]
King Arthur: We thank thee, Lord, that in thy mercy -
[cut off by the Knight kicking him]
Black Knight: Come on, then.
King Arthur: What?
Black Knight: Have at you!
King Arthur: You are indeed brave, Sir Knight, but the fight is mine!
Black Knight: Oh, had enough, eh?
King Arthur: Look, you stupid bastard. You've got no arms left!
Much like the Black Knight, persistence is the key. Keep trying and you wil soon rise to first place on the winning team! Congrats.
[kneels to pray]
King Arthur: We thank thee, Lord, that in thy mercy -
[cut off by the Knight kicking him]
Black Knight: Come on, then.
King Arthur: What?
Black Knight: Have at you!
King Arthur: You are indeed brave, Sir Knight, but the fight is mine!
Black Knight: Oh, had enough, eh?
King Arthur: Look, you stupid bastard. You've got no arms left!
Much like the Black Knight, persistence is the key. Keep trying and you wil soon rise to first place on the winning team! Congrats.
awarded on 2008-11-02
Level 16
Patti Smith - Horses
9/08/08 06:22pm

Mixtape Contest XVII -- Third Place
The age-old tradition of Three Kings Day is to fill the shoes of good children with candy, while they sleep. Bad children get shoes filled with scorpions and other venomous creatures.
Congrats on third place!
awarded on 2008-01-10
Level 12
Ooops! I was supposed to say why. Actually, the 70s are a giant black hole in my musical knowledge. But I always thought that a mix of songs from each year of my life would kick off great with "Blinded by the Light."
9/04/08 08:51pm

The Yay! Badge IX
This astonishing badge is bestowed to the MTC brethren who can truly conceptualize the wondrous spectacle and mind-altering ramifications of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-08-17
Level 36
Sal, there is no need to explain YOUR choice. Everyone should own that album.
Galaxiepi, I wanted to choose thriller but then i found out it actually came out in 1982. But the first time it hit #1 was THE DAY I WAS BORN. So yeah, Thriller beats all, no matter what we are talking about as far as Im concerned.
Galaxiepi, I wanted to choose thriller but then i found out it actually came out in 1982. But the first time it hit #1 was THE DAY I WAS BORN. So yeah, Thriller beats all, no matter what we are talking about as far as Im concerned.
9/04/08 03:32pm

The Festivus '08 Badge
Frank Costanza:
"Many Christmases ago, I went to buy a doll for my son. I reached for the last one they had, but so did another man. As I rained blows upon him, I realized there had to be another way."
Festivus For The Rest Of Us, MTC 2008
"Many Christmases ago, I went to buy a doll for my son. I reached for the last one they had, but so did another man. As I rained blows upon him, I realized there had to be another way."
Festivus For The Rest Of Us, MTC 2008
awarded on 2009-03-07
Level 28
have you heard the riff to Cross the Breeze? Teen Age fucking Riot? The "Trilogy"?
thems my reasons for Daydream.
and Mike Watt is on it too.
thems my reasons for Daydream.
and Mike Watt is on it too.
9/04/08 01:33pm
I forgot to mention why Exile... is my favorite album of 1972. It's because back then, Rolling Stones weren't old folks living on past laurels. They were making music with testicles. Not that I'm that into testicles, but you know... And well, it's just one of the best albums in the history of rock. And I was never that into Ziggy Stardust anyway.
9/04/08 07:48am

The Level 10 Badge
Welcome to level 10! Credibility is just a few levels away.
awarded on 2009-01-10
Level 11
Songs In The Key Of Life by Stevie Wonder. It just oozes class..
9/04/08 03:46am
There's no need to post a reason why. It's fuckin' Thriller.
9/03/08 09:39pm
Ahem. I suggested the Facebook app AGES ago. Go ahead, check the forums. I'll wait.
Oh, and...
Oh, and...
9/03/08 09:33pm

Level 20
dança da meia lua - chico buarque/edu lobo.
because there's nothing really good by the end of the 80's. only chico.
because there's nothing really good by the end of the 80's. only chico.
9/03/08 09:08pm

Mixtape Potpourri II: Third Place
A random badge for a random mix, Serious Cat is mildly amused by your mix. Congrats on third.
Serious Cat for president. 2008. Seriously.
Serious Cat for president. 2008. Seriously.
awarded on 2007-07-14
Level 26
1985. Tom Waits. Rain Dogs.
Because it just keeps on going!
Because it just keeps on going!
9/03/08 06:26pm

The One Year Anniversary Badge
Issued to those who have stuck it out for a year here on MTC. What a long, strange trip, huh?
awarded on 2007-10-11
Level 14
The Joshua Tree by U2, because I love U2.
9/03/08 12:39pm

The Yay! Badge VII
This baffling badge is bestowed to those who can truly grasp the striking permanence and ungodly continuance of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2007-08-27
Level 27
Physical Graffiti
"In the Light"! "Ten Years Gone"! "Kashmir"! Thems mah reasons.
"In the Light"! "Ten Years Gone"! "Kashmir"! Thems mah reasons.
9/03/08 10:40am

Mixtape Contest XVII -- Third Place
The age-old tradition of Three Kings Day is to fill the shoes of good children with candy, while they sleep. Bad children get shoes filled with scorpions and other venomous creatures.
Congrats on third place!
awarded on 2008-01-10
Level 12
Greetings from Asbury Park, NJ by Bruce Springsteen.
Congrats to everyone who entered the contest. It was tough.
Congrats to everyone who entered the contest. It was tough.
9/03/08 08:20am

The Yay! Badge XII
Another badge for those that don't need to be bribed to Yay!
awarded on 2009-01-29
Level 22
Marlo Thomas & Friends- Free to be...You and Me.
I think there was a cartoon/show that went with it. There are pretty cool guests on this album: Mel Brooks, Rosy Grier, Diana Ross, & Dick Cavett were some.
I had loved this album so much that when I was in HS , I stole it from the library that I was working at.
I think there was a cartoon/show that went with it. There are pretty cool guests on this album: Mel Brooks, Rosy Grier, Diana Ross, & Dick Cavett were some.
I had loved this album so much that when I was in HS , I stole it from the library that I was working at.
9/03/08 07:01am

Team Robot Member
Despite the fact that TEAM ROBOT was crushed like a Pabst can at a frat party by the might claws of TEAM MONSTER, you are still deserving of a badge... Loser.
awarded on 2006-10-18
Level 40
The year I was born (1957) the only musical genre to take albums seriously was jazz, and I do love 'Miles Ahead' by Miles Davis from that year. However, it has to be something from Chess records for me. Although they released loads of good blues that year, most of it was on 45. In fact they only released 4 albums, and out of them, two were greatest hits compilations. That leaves us with Bo Diddley's first album, and the one I have chosen as my favorite, After School Session by Chuck Berry. This album showed far more versatility than his hit singles alone do. As well as Berry rock and roll classics like Mabelline, Too Much Monkey Business and No Money Down there is a wonderful slow blues, In the Wee Wee Hours and a latin tinged song, Havana Moon. His lyrics are sharp witty and every now and then mean spirited which I see as a good thing. I'll stop now.
9/02/08 10:43pm
The Rolling Stones - Exile on Main Street.
9/02/08 10:36pm

The Yay! Badge IX
This astonishing badge is bestowed to the MTC brethren who can truly conceptualize the wondrous spectacle and mind-altering ramifications of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-08-17
Level 36
Let's Dance by David Bowie
Cuz its too silly to not listen to.
Cuz its too silly to not listen to.
9/02/08 10:07pm

The Festivus '08 Badge
Frank Costanza:
"Many Christmases ago, I went to buy a doll for my son. I reached for the last one they had, but so did another man. As I rained blows upon him, I realized there had to be another way."
Festivus For The Rest Of Us, MTC 2008
"Many Christmases ago, I went to buy a doll for my son. I reached for the last one they had, but so did another man. As I rained blows upon him, I realized there had to be another way."
Festivus For The Rest Of Us, MTC 2008
awarded on 2009-03-07
Level 28
Daydream Nation, baby..
Now I just need to be able to change my badge again.
Now I just need to be able to change my badge again.
9/02/08 08:06pm