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Tags for "How to seduce a hippie with on easy mixx!"

Tag Board Archives

These are the tag archives for mixtape: "How to seduce a hippie with on easy mixx!."
Page 1  |  Total Results: 18  |  Showing: 1 - 18

The Festivus '08 Badge badge
The Festivus '08 Badge
Frank Costanza:

"Many Christmases ago, I went to buy a doll for my son. I reached for the last one they had, but so did another man. As I rained blows upon him, I realized there had to be another way."

Festivus For The Rest Of Us, MTC 2008
awarded on 2009-03-07

Level 32
2010-06-17 15:03:57
Mixtape Contest XXIV - Hell - 3rd Place badge
Mixtape Contest XXIV - Hell - 3rd Place
King Arthur: Victory is mine!
[kneels to pray]
King Arthur: We thank thee, Lord, that in thy mercy -
[cut off by the Knight kicking him]
Black Knight: Come on, then.
King Arthur: What?
Black Knight: Have at you!
King Arthur: You are indeed brave, Sir Knight, but the fight is mine!
Black Knight: Oh, had enough, eh?
King Arthur: Look, you stupid bastard. You've got no arms left!

Much like the Black Knight, persistence is the key. Keep trying and you wil soon rise to first place on the winning team! Congrats.
awarded on 2008-11-02

Level 16
I love you for putting a recipe in the midst of this.
2010-05-02 17:31:06
The One Year Anniversary Badge badge
The One Year Anniversary Badge
Issued to those who have stuck it out for a year here on MTC. What a long, strange trip, huh?
awarded on 2010-06-09

Level 11
You've either attracted a hippie, or a 40 year old heroin addicted gypsy. I love this.
2009-09-18 22:05:53
The Yay! Badge IX badge
The Yay! Badge IX
This astonishing badge is bestowed to the MTC brethren who can truly conceptualize the wondrous spectacle and mind-altering ramifications of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-08-17

Level 14
I currently live in a co-op with a bunch of hippie girls, and I'm sure this mix would melt their (organic hemp) panties.
2008-06-09 11:43:47
The Newbie Badge badge
The Newbie Badge
The true sign of a fresh mixtaper. This badge is awarded to everyone. Don't feel special.
awarded on 2008-06-07

Level 3
This is pretty awesome. I do loves me some hippie women, though. Zep->Crystal Ship does it for me. Killer.
2008-06-08 15:13:45
The Serendipity Badge badge
The Serendipity Badge
You're just too good. In looking for one thing, you found another. Way to go, champ.
awarded on 2009-12-19

Level 14
crystal ship. hell yeah.
2008-05-25 18:17:50
The One Year Anniversary Badge badge
The One Year Anniversary Badge
Issued to those who have stuck it out for a year here on MTC. What a long, strange trip, huh?
awarded on 2009-01-28

Level 17
Never follow a hippie to a second location.
2008-02-02 13:10:34
The Lotto Badge badge
The Lotto Badge
The Lotto Badge is awarded only to the truly lucky. The Gods look favorably upon this one.
awarded on 2010-09-01

Level 21
Dang, this is sweet. I love that Velvet Underground song. I love this hippie-seducing mix (!).
2007-06-22 04:44:32
Mixtape Potpourri II: Third Place badge
Mixtape Potpourri II: Third Place
A random badge for a random mix, Serious Cat is mildly amused by your mix. Congrats on third.

Serious Cat for president. 2008. Seriously.
awarded on 2007-07-14

Level 26
i really like this mix. does that make me a hippie?
2007-02-28 19:09:48
Mixtape Contest X: First Place badge
Mixtape Contest X: First Place
In the future, Biff Tannen will almost assuredly own all of our asses. So, here's a preemptive honoring of his eventual kingship.

Congrats on first -- the future thanks you. Now, make like a tree and get the hell out.
awarded on 2007-03-30

Level 17
this is wonderful.
2007-02-20 00:05:39
The Beta Badge II badge
The Beta Badge II
A slightly-less exclusive reward for special people. Thanks for helping us out with our second stage of beta testing. We love you silly guinea pigs!
awarded on 2006-06-26

Level 10
love it.
2007-01-17 22:15:22
The MTC Romance Badge badge
The MTC Romance Badge
A gift for the romantics.
awarded on 2007-07-17

Level 18
t-bag is a crafty coyote
2006-12-11 17:37:12
The Yay! Badge VIII badge
The Yay! Badge VIII
This confounding badge is bestowed to those who can truly realize the wondrous consternation and inhuman scintillance of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-01-11

Level 25
I love you, sir.
2006-11-09 23:04:05
The Festivus '08 Badge badge
The Festivus '08 Badge
Frank Costanza:

"Many Christmases ago, I went to buy a doll for my son. I reached for the last one they had, but so did another man. As I rained blows upon him, I realized there had to be another way."

Festivus For The Rest Of Us, MTC 2008
awarded on 2009-03-07

Level 32
Youandme I just wanted to let you know that it is what I've been up2.
2006-11-01 21:27:52
The MLK Badge badge
The MLK Badge
Because Civil Rights rock (and roll).
awarded on 2009-03-07

Level 27
I'm not a hippy but you could totally seduce me with this mix.

WHY CAN'T WE GIVE PLUS TENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
2006-10-28 16:58:40
Team Robot Member badge
Team Robot Member
Despite the fact that TEAM ROBOT was crushed like a Pabst can at a frat party by the might claws of TEAM MONSTER, you are still deserving of a badge... Loser.
awarded on 2006-10-18

Level 40
Hardly any actual hippy music here, yet It works really well! Great!
2006-10-28 12:22:52
The Patton Badge badge
The Patton Badge
Driving Lamborghini's and sipping on martinis. This badge is for those who express their love of Mike Patton through mixtape.
awarded on 2008-08-07

Level 27
silly tallon. is this what you've been up to while i've been up here?
2006-10-28 10:46:14
Mixtape Contest XXV: 1st Place badge
Mixtape Contest XXV: 1st Place
You brutally murdered and made skin masks out of your competition! Way to go!

Congratulations on First Place!
awarded on 2008-12-21

Level 28
This is awesome
2006-10-28 09:03:42