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4865 days ago






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full name Tallon
age 41
location Ashland, Oregon
gender male

liner notes

Tallon James Jackson
Liner Notes
Mixtape Collective

Zombie 101

Zombies attack the earth from outer space(?)

You can choose three items of survival, of your choice, anything in the world


1. Shotgun cross (From Dusk till Dawn style)

2. Cindy Crawford

3. Zombie Condoms (if she turned into a zombie)


The Festivus '08 Badge badge
The Festivus '08 Badge
Frank Costanza:

"Many Christmases ago, I went to buy a doll for my son. I reached for the last one they had, but so did another man. As I rained blows upon him, I realized there had to be another way."

Festivus For The Rest Of Us, MTC 2008
awarded on 2009-03-07
Mixtape Contest XI: First Place badge
Mixtape Contest XI: First Place
You are a star. You are a star. You are a star. You are a star. You are a big bright shining star. Yeah, that's right.

Congrats on first place. Your mixtaping, uh, skillset, is totally huge.
awarded on 2007-05-08
Mixtape Contest XV -- Second Place badge
Mixtape Contest XV -- Second Place
"Am I afraid of high notes? Of course I am afraid. What sane man is not?"

-Luciano Pavarotti

Congrats on second place!
awarded on 2007-09-10
The New Years 2009 Badge badge
The New Years 2009 Badge
Prophecies for 2009 by alamongordo.com:

- Economy will not recover but will get far worse. (Prophecy 2008)
- Second and 3rd “bailout” will not help.
- Iran will become nuclear (Prophecy 2008)
- Conflict between Iran and Israel (See Proph 2)
- Russia is “surviving” the economy (See Proph 1)
- A “weak” Barack Hussein Obama” is dangerous for the world
- Danger of Barack Obama assassination
- Conflict with / by Russia - Vladimir Poetin
- Bad will get worse in 2009

Here is to a tumultuous 2009!
awarded on 2009-03-07
Mixtape Contest XIV -- First Place badge
Mixtape Contest XIV -- First Place
I'm fairly confident that Doc Brown would rock your first-place mixtape while he's cruising through time, messing the space-time continuum up all over the place..
awarded on 2007-08-08

Favorite Music Artists

  • Pelican
  • Boris
  • Murder City Devils
  • Mogwai
  • Isis

Favorite Watching Right Now

  • Garth Marenghi's Darkplace
  • Any Tim and Eric
  • The Mighty Boosh
  • The Minor Accomplishments of Jackie Woodman
  • Curb Your Enthusiasm

Favorite Favorite Favorite Artists...Right now

  • Xiu Xiu
  • Crystal Castles
  • Quinn Walker
  • Handsome Furs
  • Boys Noize

Favorite Con't

  • Flight of The Conchords
  • The Poundcast
  • any Brad Neely
  • Arrested Devolpment
  • Man to Man with Dean Learner

Tag Board

The Yay! Badge XII badge
The Yay! Badge XII
Another badge for those that don't need to be bribed to Yay!
awarded on 2009-01-29

Level 22 Crosstalk!
6/15/11 09:52am
The Serendipity Badge badge
The Serendipity Badge
You're just too good. In looking for one thing, you found another. Way to go, champ.
awarded on 2009-12-19

Level 14 Crosstalk!
also i think my favorite part of that may have been patrick duffy
12/24/09 03:10pm
The Serendipity Badge badge
The Serendipity Badge
You're just too good. In looking for one thing, you found another. Way to go, champ.
awarded on 2009-12-19

Level 14 Crosstalk!
i think i've seen the step by step one. lmao. i wanna fucking do the urkel now
12/24/09 03:09pm
The Serendipity Badge badge
The Serendipity Badge
You're just too good. In looking for one thing, you found another. Way to go, champ.
awarded on 2009-12-19

Level 14 Crosstalk!
i enjoy the name lady pants so i made you a +5 friend
12/23/09 07:27pm
The Serendipity Badge badge
The Serendipity Badge
You're just too good. In looking for one thing, you found another. Way to go, champ.
awarded on 2009-12-19

Level 14 Crosstalk!
shotgun cross
12/23/09 12:37pm
Mixtape Contest XXV: 1st Place badge
Mixtape Contest XXV: 1st Place
You brutally murdered and made skin masks out of your competition! Way to go!

Congratulations on First Place!
awarded on 2008-12-21

Level 28 Crosstalk!
so on a scale of 1 to michael jackson how dead is this place these days?
11/16/09 08:49pm
The 250th Album Badge badge
The 250th Album Badge
This is the Mixtape Collective equivalent of the Purple Heart. Kind of...
awarded on 2010-09-10

Level 29 Crosstalk!
Thanks a lot, man.

After spending some time looking at random mixes, I have found that your name is either behind a dope-ass mix or that you're offering some constructive crit. So I'm surprised that I haven't given your profile points before.

One other thing, you've been around this joint for awhile so I want to ask you - what the hell happened to the traffic around this place. Did the novelty wear off? I don't understand why a place like AOTM has more activity. It's a nice site, but MTC has more piss and vinegar, me thinketh.

Rock the fook on.
11/05/09 04:23pm
The Serendipity Badge badge
The Serendipity Badge
You're just too good. In looking for one thing, you found another. Way to go, champ.
awarded on 2009-12-19

Level 14 Crosstalk!
just some losers! but it will be okay :)
10/19/09 06:34pm
The Serendipity Badge badge
The Serendipity Badge
You're just too good. In looking for one thing, you found another. Way to go, champ.
awarded on 2009-12-19

Level 14 Crosstalk!
the people my mix is musically attacking?!
10/19/09 03:01pm
The One Year Anniversary Badge badge
The One Year Anniversary Badge
Issued to those who have stuck it out for a year here on MTC. What a long, strange trip, huh?
awarded on 2010-06-09

Level 11 Crosstalk!
Dude, those little AZNs were so cute! Almost cute enough to not put in a sweat shop. lol, that was actually fucked up, but I'm not even caring to delete it. Oh well! Here's the funniest thing on this side of Compton:
http://www.yout ube.com/watch?v=bSuvOVH0aSQ
10/01/09 12:31pm
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