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Album Info


Name Under the Table and Dreaming
Artist Dave Matthews Band
Release Year 1994
# of Tracks 12


Points 1900
Number of User Ratings 1
Average User Rating 0
Number of Times Songs From Album Used In Mixes 5
Number of Distinct Mixtapes Using Tracks From Album 5
Average Points For Mixes Using Tracks From Album 1641
Number of Tracks Associated With Album 12
Average Points For Album's Tracks 1075

Track Listing

These tracks correctly adhere to the number of tracks specified for this album.
# Track Points
1 The Best Of What's Around 1250
2 What Would You Say 1100
3 Satellite 1000
4 Rhyme & Reason 1000
5 Typical Situation 1000
6 Dancing Nancies 1000
7 Ants Marching 1000
8 Lover Lay Down 1000
9 Jimi Thing 1000
10 Warehouse 1200
11 Pay For What You Get 1250
12 #34 1100

10 most popular mixes that use tracks from this album

Creator Mixtape Points
cst003 Daveology : 101 2296
cst003 mix made under sedated hands 2008
shaz instrumental love 1497
shaz A mixtape without TOOL?!? =( 445

Tag Board

Team Robot - First Place badge
Team Robot - First Place
A special badge for the first-place winner of the fabled robots vs. monsters mixtape contest. As my boy Johnny 5 would say, "Robot Team kick your ass, Robot Team Kick your face, Robot Team kick your balls into outer space"
awarded on 2006-10-18

Level 28
hey so this is basically "it". the album. the one that started my entire obsession with music and albums and things musicians had to say behind the words and all that crap. i think it was 8th grade, and i was writing a paper for for who-know which class. our family had just bought the first BRANDNEW computer, and i decided to take advantage & listen to a cd my mother had bought me for my birthday a few months before. it was really the first time id ever listened to an album all the way through, never quite got the fact that artists are more than the track on the radio. they could be so much more. i was hooked, everything on this album seemed to accessible and novel to me. it's still one of my fav albums, just not talked about all that often. this is my alpha.
6/30/06 12:18am
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Database Info

  • added by: shortbus
  • added on: 5/23/06 10:19pm
  • modified:
    5/23/06 10:19pm