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viker's Mixes


These are mixtapes created by viker.
Page 1  |  Total Results: 2  |  Showing: 1 - 2
With More Air Than Words
2446 points (Level 5)
Date Created: 6/24/06 09:46pm
Description: I hadn't made a tape in awhile and decided to start diggin' through some of the stuff I've collected recently, picking out the things that seemed to fit my mood at the moment: loving my family, deali ...
Oh, Mr. Porpoise
3072 points (Level 7)
Date Created: 6/25/06 02:24pm
Description: This is one of the first REAL mixtapes I made several years ago...(at least as far as how much time was spent selecting tracks and creating artwork, etc.) This is a fake soundtrack to a peculiar movi ...