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vlaskerbean's Mixes
These are mixtapes created by vlaskerbean.Page: 1
2156 points (Level 5)
Date Created: 12/30/06 11:36pm
Description: “The truth is that we live out our lives putting off all that can be put off; perhaps we all know deep down that we are immortal and that sooner or later all men will do and know all things.â₠...
1638 points (Level 3)
Date Created: 12/30/06 01:28am
Description: I made this mix when I realized I was headed south. It has a theme; hurt women and the men who beg for them, and everyone plays the guitar.
1804 points (Level 4)
Date Created: 12/22/06 10:41pm
Description: Ode to my College Friend, Jackie and all of the trips in her car.
1812 points (Level 4)
Date Created: 1/02/07 12:23am
Description: The beginning of the relationship mix. The tracks aren't so much about flow and complimenting one another, but stand testiment to a great love that ended just as tenderly and sadly as it started.
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