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_vegan's Tags

Tag Board Archives

These are the archives for _vegan's tag board. Below is every post that has been made to _vegan's tag board that has not been deleted.
Page 1  |  Total Results: 47  |  Showing: 1 - 20

The Lotto Badge badge
The Lotto Badge
The Lotto Badge is awarded only to the truly lucky. The Gods look favorably upon this one.
awarded on 2010-09-01

Level 21
2007-10-20 15:57:33
The One Year Anniversary Badge badge
The One Year Anniversary Badge
Issued to those who have stuck it out for a year here on MTC. What a long, strange trip, huh?
awarded on 2008-08-08

Level 12
i like your favourites. bake cake. lulzzz
2007-09-22 03:32:42
The Lotto Badge badge
The Lotto Badge
The Lotto Badge is awarded only to the truly lucky. The Gods look favorably upon this one.
awarded on 2010-09-01

Level 21
One word for you: AWESOME. Oh good, I missed you, you know... How are things? :)
2007-08-27 14:28:44
The Level 10 Badge badge
The Level 10 Badge
Welcome to level 10! Credibility is just a few levels away.
awarded on 2008-01-17

Level 11
haha sounds good. once i'm out of the parent's house i can hopefully change my diet a bit. who knows, maybe i'll be a vegan too?
2007-07-28 16:05:21
The Level 10 Badge badge
The Level 10 Badge
Welcome to level 10! Credibility is just a few levels away.
awarded on 2008-01-17

Level 11
i admire your veganism. i can ditch the meat, but giving up on my cheese has proven more difficult.
2007-07-27 23:19:58
The Lotto Badge badge
The Lotto Badge
The Lotto Badge is awarded only to the truly lucky. The Gods look favorably upon this one.
awarded on 2010-09-01

Level 21
Cody, one more point, JUST ONE, and your score is 3,333 exact. I like to notice that kind of stuff.

Looking forward to get letter from you. :)
2007-07-21 14:12:42
The Audiobiography Badge badge
The Audiobiography Badge
Awarded to those who chose to share a scene from their own life. Consider this a 'thank you' from the Collective.
awarded on 2006-06-24

Level 15
thats a wicked self portrait :)
2007-07-16 01:18:09
The Festivus '08 Badge badge
The Festivus '08 Badge
Frank Costanza:

"Many Christmases ago, I went to buy a doll for my son. I reached for the last one they had, but so did another man. As I rained blows upon him, I realized there had to be another way."

Festivus For The Rest Of Us, MTC 2008
awarded on 2009-03-07

Level 32
No, but I have a lot of respect for people who value so called "trash". I recycle a lot of things though, I don't buy clothes, shoes, don't drive. Try to walk a lot and lkist goes on.
2007-07-12 17:31:18
The MTC Romance Badge badge
The MTC Romance Badge
A gift for the romantics.
awarded on 2007-07-17

Level 18
holy hell, japanther fan?!
let's be friends.
2007-07-11 23:37:37
Team Robot - First Place badge
Team Robot - First Place
A special badge for the first-place winner of the fabled robots vs. monsters mixtape contest. As my boy Johnny 5 would say, "Robot Team kick your ass, Robot Team Kick your face, Robot Team kick your balls into outer space"
awarded on 2006-10-18

Level 28
furniture yes. im mainly in thrift stores, but if i see something worthy on the side of the street, im not passing it by
2007-07-11 23:26:29
The Festivus '08 Badge badge
The Festivus '08 Badge
Frank Costanza:

"Many Christmases ago, I went to buy a doll for my son. I reached for the last one they had, but so did another man. As I rained blows upon him, I realized there had to be another way."

Festivus For The Rest Of Us, MTC 2008
awarded on 2009-03-07

Level 32
Do you recycle, I know some of the D.D. around town. I respect the act very much.
2007-07-11 22:07:21
Team Robot - First Place badge
Team Robot - First Place
A special badge for the first-place winner of the fabled robots vs. monsters mixtape contest. As my boy Johnny 5 would say, "Robot Team kick your ass, Robot Team Kick your face, Robot Team kick your balls into outer space"
awarded on 2006-10-18

Level 28
the notwist + rainy day + alcohol/weed is the most perfect combination in the world.
2007-07-11 17:48:55
The Festivus '08 Badge badge
The Festivus '08 Badge
Frank Costanza:

"Many Christmases ago, I went to buy a doll for my son. I reached for the last one they had, but so did another man. As I rained blows upon him, I realized there had to be another way."

Festivus For The Rest Of Us, MTC 2008
awarded on 2009-03-07

Level 32
2007-07-11 02:11:01
The Patton Badge badge
The Patton Badge
Driving Lamborghini's and sipping on martinis. This badge is for those who express their love of Mike Patton through mixtape.
awarded on 2008-08-07

Level 27
thank you :) yours are great, too...
2007-07-11 00:42:14
The Lotto Badge badge
The Lotto Badge
The Lotto Badge is awarded only to the truly lucky. The Gods look favorably upon this one.
awarded on 2010-09-01

Level 21
I sent my address in the reply. :)
2007-07-07 01:22:20
The Lotto Badge badge
The Lotto Badge
The Lotto Badge is awarded only to the truly lucky. The Gods look favorably upon this one.
awarded on 2010-09-01

Level 21
seriously though, cause writing letters is so nice :)
2007-07-06 12:33:31
The Yay! Badge VIII badge
The Yay! Badge VIII
This confounding badge is bestowed to those who can truly realize the wondrous consternation and inhuman scintillance of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-01-11

Level 25
Yeah, dude, James Iha's sci-fi guitar blew my mind. The song is bunk, but damn, they were at the top of their game at that point.

New Pumpkins tomorrow, actually. Hrmm.
2007-07-06 12:01:46
The Lotto Badge badge
The Lotto Badge
The Lotto Badge is awarded only to the truly lucky. The Gods look favorably upon this one.
awarded on 2010-09-01

Level 21
No way, you are. :)
Hey, you wanna become pen pals? Sorry, I just saw your liner notes
2007-07-06 09:19:03
The Yay! Badge IX badge
The Yay! Badge IX
This astonishing badge is bestowed to the MTC brethren who can truly conceptualize the wondrous spectacle and mind-altering ramifications of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-08-17

Level 36
its nice to see a newer user who uses the site quite often
thank you
2007-07-06 02:22:46
Team Robot - First Place badge
Team Robot - First Place
A special badge for the first-place winner of the fabled robots vs. monsters mixtape contest. As my boy Johnny 5 would say, "Robot Team kick your ass, Robot Team Kick your face, Robot Team kick your balls into outer space"
awarded on 2006-10-18

Level 28
im so glad youre [that] type of homosexual. being [that] type myself, i cannot stress the geek/nerdom i hold so dear in my own little world. thanks for the compliments.
2007-07-06 00:10:47