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Tags for "My music life or the Seeds that planted my Soul"
Tag Board Archives
These are the tag archives for mixtape: "My music life or the Seeds that planted my Soul."Page: 1
The Bronze Badge
Wow, one of your mixes is doing swell in the ratings! But remember, Bob Dole did 'swell' in the primaries...
awarded on 2008-03-10
Level 11
very nice..good mix, dude.
2007-07-13 23:08:15
The Beta Badge II
A slightly-less exclusive reward for special people. Thanks for helping us out with our second stage of beta testing. We love you silly guinea pigs!
awarded on 2006-12-28
Level 14
Can't say i'm into everything on here, but this is right fucking posi. And I can get behind that. Step to the Bouncing Souls.
2007-01-11 11:55:28
The Level 10 Badge
Welcome to level 10! Credibility is just a few levels away.
awarded on 2007-03-07
Level 13
I think I'll go and kidney punch my grandmother. Forefinger and pinky in the air.
2006-11-02 21:40:34
Mixtape Contest XXV: 1st Place
You brutally murdered and made skin masks out of your competition! Way to go!
Congratulations on First Place!
Congratulations on First Place!
awarded on 2008-12-21
Level 28
Waiting Room is, hands down, one of the top 5 best songs ever made
2006-10-20 18:58:10
The Yay! Badge IV
A slightly exclusive (5 total) special badge bestowed to those who can truly understand the complicated, multifaceted intricacies and religion/cult-like implications of the phrase 'yay!'
awarded on 2006-10-10
Level 14
thanks man.
2006-10-16 15:59:04
The Valentine's Day 2007 Badge
Happy Valentine's day from the MTC staff. We really love you guys. That said, put your pants on and get out before we call the cops.
awarded on 2007-02-14
Level 18
great atdi song...nice mix
2006-10-13 15:14:27
Team Robot - First Place
A special badge for the first-place winner of the fabled robots vs. monsters mixtape contest. As my boy Johnny 5 would say, "Robot Team kick your ass, Robot Team Kick your face, Robot Team kick your balls into outer space"
awarded on 2006-10-18
Level 28
thats the trail of dead that stole my heart as well, and i also wondered why i had never heard them before.
2006-10-06 19:35:47
The Time Badge
Good things happen to people who are in the right place at the right time, just look at Nirvana...
awarded on 2006-08-16
Level 11
cool theme and cool songs
2006-09-26 00:18:51
The Beta Badge II
A slightly-less exclusive reward for special people. Thanks for helping us out with our second stage of beta testing. We love you silly guinea pigs!
awarded on 2006-08-31
Level 6
guess after the 1st few tracks yr folks could see where yr life started going wrong...
2006-09-17 16:45:44
S'cool... I like that Bob Dylan song a lot.
2006-09-17 16:18:57
The Yay! Badge IV
A slightly exclusive (5 total) special badge bestowed to those who can truly understand the complicated, multifaceted intricacies and religion/cult-like implications of the phrase 'yay!'
awarded on 2006-10-10
Level 14
sorry ollie.
2006-09-17 16:15:11
I totes thought you were gonna have the Seeds on here. :P
2006-09-15 07:07:56
The Yay! Badge IV
A slightly exclusive (5 total) special badge bestowed to those who can truly understand the complicated, multifaceted intricacies and religion/cult-like implications of the phrase 'yay!'
awarded on 2006-10-10
Level 14
we all have sweet level 5 badges by the way
2006-09-14 20:19:30
The Halloween 2006 Badge
Happy Halloween from the MTC staff. Also, we put razorblades in your candy.
awarded on 2006-10-31
Level 15
nu metal - bouncing souls plus ten billion
2006-09-14 05:47:01
TEAM 97 -- Third Place
Long before being knocked up with Eddie Murphy's illegitimate child, Scary Spice was on top of the world. Now, she's nothing but washed up. It's kind of sad, really. Just by scoring third place in this contest, you've got infinitely more street cred than Scary. Congrats!
awarded on 2007-06-17
Level 18
+++++++ up the arse. you are legend. coheed is my guilty pleasure. daniel johnston steals my heart away. have you seen the film?
2006-09-13 22:38:29
The Level 21 Badge
You're finally legal! Huzzah! We all know you've been boozing since you were 13, but don't worry, we'll keep quiet.
Now, get off the damn computer and go hit up the bars.
Now, get off the damn computer and go hit up the bars.
awarded on 2007-07-25
Level 24
You were right. Great mix. Cocaine Blues is my favorite JC song. Pink Floyd. Pixies. Loads of great stuff, lar.
2006-09-13 18:42:08
The Family Badge
What always comes first? That's right, breakfast. What comes second? Yep, mixtapecollective. Third? You got it, family.
A special honor for the especially special mixtaping family.
awarded on 2006-09-26
Level 14
You used to listen to NU-Metal?
2006-09-13 18:26:44
The Family Badge
What always comes first? That's right, breakfast. What comes second? Yep, mixtapecollective. Third? You got it, family.
A special honor for the especially special mixtaping family.
awarded on 2006-09-26
Level 14
max points for elliott smith and the decemerists...two of my favs. This truly is a great mix, you have mastered the art of mix taping
2006-09-13 17:22:08
The Yay! Badge IV
A slightly exclusive (5 total) special badge bestowed to those who can truly understand the complicated, multifaceted intricacies and religion/cult-like implications of the phrase 'yay!'
awarded on 2006-10-10
Level 14
Since i decided to bow out of the latest contest because of my unfair play in the last. I kinda just wanted to put some of my favorites on a tape. Maybe you will know a little bit more abnout me now......
Or you can go eat lima beans. Your choice
Or you can go eat lima beans. Your choice
2006-09-13 17:06:44
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