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Artist Info


Name Bush
Website no website specified


Points 2560
Number of User Ratings 2
Average User Rating 0
Number of Times Artist Used In Mixes 8
Number of Distinct Mixtapes Using Artist 7
Average Points For Mixes Using Artist 2168
Number of Tracks By Artist 29
Average Points For Artist's Tracks 1055
Average Points For Artist's Albums 1556


Year Album Points
1999 The Science Of Things 2419
1994 Sixteen Stone 1250
1993 Razorblade Suitcase 1000

10 most popular tracks

Track Points
Letting The Cables Sleep 2100
Bomb 1250
Dead Meat 1250
Spacetravel 1000
Everything Zen 1000
Swim 1000
Little Things 1000
Comedown 1000
Body 1000
Machinehead 1000

10 most popular mixes that use this artist

Creator Mixtape Points
Delinquent Broq in Iraq: Bagdad Boogie 2486
brookedarrah High School Make-Out Party 2472
shortbus Sad Panda Plays Sad Songs 2382
travisjhinman The Wall 2255
jwalker music for gettin' busy 2167
shortbus They're Made out of Meat 2125
shaz depressio 1293

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Database Info

  • added by: shortbus
  • added on: 06/03/06
  • modified: