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Tags for "2 Minutes:Taken 2 the Limit"
Tag Board Archives
These are the tag archives for mixtape: "2 Minutes:Taken 2 the Limit."
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The 250th Album Badge
This is the Mixtape Collective equivalent of the Purple Heart. Kind of...
awarded on 2010-09-10
Level 29
2009-07-03 14:28:41

The Lotto Badge
The Lotto Badge is awarded only to the truly lucky. The Gods look favorably upon this one.
awarded on 2010-09-01
Level 21
I want to hear a level 8 mix. I have almost none of these songs.
2008-09-13 14:40:27

The Festivus '08 Badge
Frank Costanza:
"Many Christmases ago, I went to buy a doll for my son. I reached for the last one they had, but so did another man. As I rained blows upon him, I realized there had to be another way."
Festivus For The Rest Of Us, MTC 2008
"Many Christmases ago, I went to buy a doll for my son. I reached for the last one they had, but so did another man. As I rained blows upon him, I realized there had to be another way."
Festivus For The Rest Of Us, MTC 2008
awarded on 2009-03-07
Level 32
Genuis, I could have sex to this mix, um...59 times. you are brilliant.
2007-05-10 20:06:14

The Bronze Badge
Wow, one of your mixes is doing swell in the ratings! But remember, Bob Dole did 'swell' in the primaries...
awarded on 2007-06-29
Level 24
Re-post the sendspace link AGAIN.
Just 'cause I'm an ass.
Just 'cause I'm an ass.
2007-03-10 13:28:56

The Yay! Badge VIII
This confounding badge is bestowed to those who can truly realize the wondrous consternation and inhuman scintillance of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-01-11
Level 25
re: sufjan desc. That made me laugh. A lot.
2006-10-29 22:07:51

Mixtape Contest XX -- First Place
After the nuclear holocaust, there will be three things left: Cockroaches, Twinkees and Keith Richards.
Keith is answer key for they test of time. And Cocaine.
Congrats on first place.
Keith is answer key for they test of time. And Cocaine.
Congrats on first place.
awarded on 2008-03-22
Level 17
i always wanted to make a 3 minute mix. now you have beaten me with the 2 minute. sad that there is no ramones on the tape; the masters of the quick and dirty.
i always wanted to make a 3 minute mix. now you have beaten me with the 2 minute. sad that there is no ramones on the tape; the masters of the quick and dirty.
2006-10-02 17:47:19
Oh my god that's a lot of tracks.
2006-09-28 18:22:06

The Yay! Badge IV
A slightly exclusive (5 total) special badge bestowed to those who can truly understand the complicated, multifaceted intricacies and religion/cult-like implications of the phrase 'yay!'
awarded on 2006-10-10
Level 14
Thanks for re-posting.
2006-08-28 08:03:10

The Yay! Badge IX
This astonishing badge is bestowed to the MTC brethren who can truly conceptualize the wondrous spectacle and mind-altering ramifications of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-08-17
Level 36
2006-08-27 14:50:55

The Yay! Badge IV
A slightly exclusive (5 total) special badge bestowed to those who can truly understand the complicated, multifaceted intricacies and religion/cult-like implications of the phrase 'yay!'
awarded on 2006-10-10
Level 14
Link no work no more.
2006-08-22 15:33:35

The One Year Anniversary Badge
Issued to those who have stuck it out for a year here on MTC. What a long, strange trip, huh?
awarded on 2008-05-22
Level 5
+++ just listened to it and it's damn good
2006-08-10 08:46:51

The Yay! Badge IX
This astonishing badge is bestowed to the MTC brethren who can truly conceptualize the wondrous spectacle and mind-altering ramifications of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-08-17
Level 36
http://www.se ndspace.com/file/8md1rd
Sound quality might vary from song to song as I had to search all over the place to find the various songs that were on my pod but not on my computer. Please try to listen to this with zero second gaps between the songs (if burning to cd), butb best would be on an ipod or itunes (no gaps).
Sound quality might vary from song to song as I had to search all over the place to find the various songs that were on my pod but not on my computer. Please try to listen to this with zero second gaps between the songs (if burning to cd), butb best would be on an ipod or itunes (no gaps).
2006-08-10 00:44:30

The Serendipity Badge
You're just too good. In looking for one thing, you found another. Way to go, champ.
awarded on 2006-08-03
Level 10
Well that was a fucking good mix and I want it ;p
2006-08-09 22:01:34

The Yay! Badge IX
This astonishing badge is bestowed to the MTC brethren who can truly conceptualize the wondrous spectacle and mind-altering ramifications of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-08-17
Level 36
Im workin on it. Probably tomorrow night. Thanks for the request.
2006-08-09 00:11:16

The 6/6/6 Badge
Special thanks to those that embraced the Collective on this most sacrilegious of holidays. Mix on, you vile tormentor of souls!
awarded on 2006-06-06
Level 18
2006-08-09 00:08:08

The Yay! Badge VI
This elusive badge is bestowed to those who can truly comprehend the colossal sophistication and the unfathomable, enigmatical origins of the elusive 'YAY!'.
Plus, 500 users. Hell yay!
Plus, 500 users. Hell yay!
awarded on 2007-05-16
Level 19
that picture fuckin creeps me out
2006-08-07 22:46:43

The 1000th Track Badge
Most track stars win gold medals. You win a badge -- go figure.
awarded on 2006-08-31
Level 16
Long mix. But a lot of good shit, Boris, Why? Lighting Bolt, so many others...
2006-08-07 12:34:07

Team Robot - Second Place
A special badge for the second-place winner of the amazing robots vs. monsters mixtape contest. Uncanny skills, precision mixing and laser vision truly makes them worthy of second. Robot rock.
awarded on 2006-10-18
Level 23
2006-08-05 23:32:10
You're killin' me, Smalls.
2006-08-05 21:31:58
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