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These are links to some of the major sections in the mixtape collective.
  • Lists: Browse various lists that are generated by the loads of data we have collected.
  • Contests: Check out the latest contests, see previous winners, and find out how you can be a part
  • Music: Check out our ever-growing database of musical knowledge! Use it to find any artist, album, or track that has been entered since the birth of the site and rate and find detailed usage statistics.


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Last Login

6478 days ago






profile hits
unique hits
# mixes
# posts


full name daniel barron
age 38
location new jersey
gender male

liner notes

i'm not very funny, but at least i'm on the internet.

http://www.whiteninja comics.com/fanart/fa-baypigs.shtml


The July Fourth Badge badge
The July Fourth Badge
A gift from us to those who logged in on the most glorious day of the year -- America's birthday. Now, where the crap are my M-80s and beer?
awarded on 2006-07-04
The Newbie Badge badge
The Newbie Badge
The true sign of a fresh mixtaper. This badge is awarded to everyone. Don't feel special.
awarded on 2006-06-12
The Beta Badge II badge
The Beta Badge II
A slightly-less exclusive reward for special people. Thanks for helping us out with our second stage of beta testing. We love you silly guinea pigs!
awarded on 2006-06-12
No Badge Selected Badge Slot Locked

Favorite Music Artists

  • Jets to Brazil Jawbreaker
  • The Album Leaf Piebald
  • The Promise Ring Braid
  • The Flaming Lips Ted Leo and the Pharmacists
  • Pavement Get Up Kids

Favorite Books

  • On the Road- Jack Kerouac
  • Killing Yourself to Live- Chuck Klosterman
  • Chronicles- Bob Dylan
  • Still Life with Woodpecker- Tom Robbins
  • Calvin and Hobbes

Favorite Drinks

  • Southern Comfort (+ Coke + Lime)
  • El Toro (Tequila)
  • Phil Collins (vodka + tom collins mixer)
  • Black Velvet (whiskey from the canadians)
  • Beer (preferably cheap and plenty)

Favorite Webcomics

  • Overcompensating
  • Questionable Content
  • White Ninja Comics
  • Scary Go Round
  • Nothing Nice to Say

Tag Board

The One Year Anniversary Badge badge
The One Year Anniversary Badge
Issued to those who have stuck it out for a year here on MTC. What a long, strange trip, huh?
awarded on 2010-06-09

Level 11 Crosstalk!
You seem cool. And by cool, I mean it seems like you would have a jew fro.
9/27/09 03:04am
The Level 10 Badge badge
The Level 10 Badge
Welcome to level 10! Credibility is just a few levels away.
awarded on 2008-01-17

Level 11 Crosstalk!
you have lovely taste in music and books.
7/29/07 09:33pm
The Family Badge badge
The Family Badge
What always comes first? That's right, breakfast. What comes second? Yep, mixtapecollective. Third? You got it, family. A special honor for the especially special mixtaping family.
awarded on 2006-09-26

Level 14 Crosstalk!
Good Music Picks
9/15/06 09:39am
The Yay! Badge IV badge
The Yay! Badge IV
A slightly exclusive (5 total) special badge bestowed to those who can truly understand the complicated, multifaceted intricacies and religion/cult-like implications of the phrase 'yay!'
awarded on 2006-10-10

Level 14 Crosstalk!
yea i got one.
kinda fell into it.
my grandpa died.
i got his stuff
9/01/06 07:30pm
The Yay! Badge IV badge
The Yay! Badge IV
A slightly exclusive (5 total) special badge bestowed to those who can truly understand the complicated, multifaceted intricacies and religion/cult-like implications of the phrase 'yay!'
awarded on 2006-10-10

Level 14 Crosstalk!
wanna buy my first edition "on the road"..........

i bet you do.


8/30/06 04:19pm
The Badge of Mystery badge
The Badge of Mystery
Huh?!? Where did this come from?
awarded on 2008-08-14

Level 26 Crosstalk!
I'm pretty sure you could use any damn Elliot Smith song and it'd work for this mixtape genre.
8/25/06 11:58am
Mixtape Contest X: First Place badge
Mixtape Contest X: First Place
In the future, Biff Tannen will almost assuredly own all of our asses. So, here's a preemptive honoring of his eventual kingship.

Congrats on first -- the future thanks you. Now, make like a tree and get the hell out.
awarded on 2007-03-30

Level 17 Crosstalk!
love the music picks.
8/10/06 02:12pm
The Yay! Badge VIII badge
The Yay! Badge VIII
This confounding badge is bestowed to those who can truly realize the wondrous consternation and inhuman scintillance of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-01-11

Level 25 Crosstalk!
It's the least I could do -- i really do enjoy bestowing the 50 by 50 pixel bundles of joy to y'all. Rockon.
7/04/06 11:30pm
The Yay! Badge VIII badge
The Yay! Badge VIII
This confounding badge is bestowed to those who can truly realize the wondrous consternation and inhuman scintillance of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2008-01-11

Level 25 Crosstalk!
7/04/06 11:26pm
The MLK Badge badge
The MLK Badge
Because Civil Rights rock (and roll).
awarded on 2009-03-07

Level 27 Crosstalk!
Lol. I prefer the hard stuff. You know... cough drops.
7/02/06 12:55pm
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