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First Mix/06 Faves

First Mix/06 Faves
Created by: ispeakman
Tracks: 2
Length: 00:18:22
Keywords 1. Current
2. Favorites
3. 2006
Created on 1/27/07 01:34pm
Level 1
Points 997
Total visitors 43
Unique visitors 25
Some of my favorite songs at the moment, a lot of stuff I missed in 2006 and just discovered.


1 Panda Bear : Carrots
The new Panda Bear stuff is incredible, looping, dance and house influenced.
Track 1 from Panda Bear/Excepter Split LP
Length: 00:12:59
Year: 2007
Track Description:
The new Panda Bear stuff is incredible, looping, dance and house influenced.
2 Mum : Scratched Bicycle / Smell Memory
Peel session mash up track of a couple songs off Yesterday Was Dramatic - Today is OK, my favorite Mum record [...]
Track 1 from Peel Sessions
Length: 00:05:23
Year: 2006
Track Description:
Peel session mash up track of a couple songs off Yesterday Was Dramatic - Today is OK, my favorite Mum record and songs.

Tag Board

The Bronze Badge badge
The Bronze Badge
Wow, one of your mixes is doing swell in the ratings! But remember, Bob Dole did 'swell' in the primaries...
awarded on 2007-06-29

Level 24
I have a feeling this wasn't meant to be finished right away.
1/27/07 01:44pm
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