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Artist Info


Name Nine Inch Nails
Website http://www.nin.com/


Points 18377
Number of User Ratings 11
Average User Rating 1.27
Number of Times Artist Used In Mixes 79
Number of Distinct Mixtapes Using Artist 69
Average Points For Mixes Using Artist 2259
Number of Tracks By Artist 104
Average Points For Artist's Tracks 1164
Average Points For Artist's Albums 2107


Year Album Points
2008 The Slip 1050
2007 Year Zero 1200
2007 Still 1050
2005 [with_Teeth] 3326
2002 And All That Could Have Been 2000
2002 And All That Could Have Been (Disc 2) 1250
2000 Things Falling Apart 1200
1999 The Fragile Disc 1 4585
1999 The Fragile Disc 2 1650
1999 The Day The World Went Away 1000
1997 Lost Highway (Soundtrack from the Motion Picture) 1200
1997 The Perfect Drug 1500
1994 The Downward Spiral 6125
1992 Broken 1750
1989 Pretty Hate Machine 3830
0000 Sin EP 1000

10 most popular tracks

Track Points
A Warm Place 2245
The Frail 2000
Head Like A Hole 1950
Closer 1800
The Fragile 1695
March of the Pigs 1650
The Becoming 1650
Hurt 1600
Help Me I'm In Hell 1600
Love Is Not Enough 1600

10 most popular mixes that use this artist

Creator Mixtape Points
sledgbrainerd 2 Minutes:Taken 2 the Limit 4258
coreysprague Drift 3550
shortbus The Chills: Spine Tingling Songs 3496
Alice EVIL vs. GOOD (Metal vs. Indie) 3256
johnny_luddite Alphabet Soup 3080
happyian Dirty? Romantic? Blunt? Suggestive? Sex. 3077
shortbus Obliteration in Binary 3012
coreysprague Fun With Self-Pity 2999
Alice The owls are not what they seem 2999

Tag Board

Team Robot - First Place badge
Team Robot - First Place
A special badge for the first-place winner of the fabled robots vs. monsters mixtape contest. As my boy Johnny 5 would say, "Robot Team kick your ass, Robot Team Kick your face, Robot Team kick your balls into outer space"
awarded on 2006-10-18

Level 28
hahahahahahahahaha, trent
9/29/06 03:50pm
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Database Info

  • added by: coreysprague
  • added on: 04/08/06
  • modified: