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Artist Info


Name The Advantage
Website no website specified


Points 9157
Number of User Ratings 5
Average User Rating 4.8
Number of Times Artist Used In Mixes 28
Number of Distinct Mixtapes Using Artist 19
Average Points For Mixes Using Artist 2938
Number of Tracks By Artist 42
Average Points For Artist's Tracks 1334
Average Points For Artist's Albums 4915


Year Album Points
2006 Elf-Titled 3790
0000 The Advantage 6040

10 most popular tracks

Track Points
Ninja Gaiden: Mine Shaft 2140
Megaman 2: Flashman 1890
Bionic Commando: P.O.W. Camp 1840
Batman: Stage 1 1740
Contra: Boss Music 1670
Double Dragon 2: Stage 2 1640
Megaman II: Stage Select / Metal Man 1640
Bomberman 2 1620
Ducktales: Moon 1590
Castlevania III: Boss Music 1540

10 most popular mixes that use this artist

Creator Mixtape Points
sledgbrainerd Hanging with Your Girlfriends Gross-Ass Friends 4822
sledgbrainerd 2 Minutes:Taken 2 the Limit 4258
sledgbrainerd Sausage Fest! 3567
bootylicious Eleven Degrees of Seperation 3564
eric Dear Eric 3526
eric Introductions, Part II 3312
eric Wordless: Volume I 3206
lord_bearded Location of Projectile Unknown Begin Nelation Probe Sequence 3115
nopolian homemade spaceship 2953
sledgbrainerd Just Keep Livin'! 2918

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Database Info

  • added by: coreysprague
  • added on: 04/11/06
  • modified: