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T-bag's Mixes
These are mixtapes created by T-bag.
2087 points (Level 5)
Date Created: 7/26/07 06:27pm
Description: Today at 2am today I became an uncle for the second time. My nephew is 8lbs and 21 inches, full head of hair. I made him a mix earlier today before I went to go see him. Making him his first mix is an ...

1992 points (Level 4)
Date Created: 3/16/07 08:01pm
Description: YouandMe on the site is my ex-girlfriend(check out her mixes, they fucking rock), we hadn't talked for a while until the other day, I told her I was coming up to portland and I wanted to see her but s ...

840 points (Level 1)
Date Created: 11/04/06 03:41pm
Description: Never cheat on me again you slut! Thats what you get for having the guy you cheated on me with call on our 2yr anniversary.

2258 points (Level 5)
Date Created: 5/24/07 02:32pm
Description: To commemorate my first year in the mixtape collective and my 40th mix, I've decided to make a mix about my favorite character in the HBO series Curb Your Enthusiasm, and possible one of my favorite T ...

1801 points (Level 4)
Date Created: 3/15/07 04:30pm
Description: My girlfriend hates when I watch Maurry on her days off(because she has to watch), she doesn't know why everyone yells, and then runs off to the backstage. I think Maurry has helped heal a lot of soul ...

2305 points (Level 5)
Date Created: 5/25/07 08:04pm
Description: There are a few reasons I decided to pick '07 over '97---The main reason being I didn't have sex until '98 (Kinda bummed that '98 was left out of the contest, I could of put down so many classics like ...

1853 points (Level 4)
Date Created: 11/13/07 11:42am
Description: The history of my family hasn't been pretty in any respect and most of us are fuck-ups. My sister and I had grown up in an abusive environment, that I believe still haunts both of us. Without getting ...

1508 points (Level 3)
Date Created: 11/13/07 11:40am
Description: The picture is of my friend Ursula and I. She is rock awesome. Ursula is one of my favorite people in the world, she's been called her the Peruvian lesbian version of myself (by me). We share a lot of ...

2156 points (Level 5)
Date Created: 4/21/08 04:09pm
Description: I'm drinking tea, getting ready to work out, thinking about work later. A comfortable routine that I hardly have anything to complain about (beside this stupid fucking diet I put myself on---Oatmeal ...

2357 points (Level 5)
Date Created: 6/25/07 10:35am
Description: I've wanted to do a interview/co-op style mix with somebody for a while, most of them fell through until now, my buddy Ian, known as Sledgbrainerd, stepped up to the plate and we came up with two awes ...

1911 points (Level 4)
Date Created: 9/26/08 02:31pm

1770 points (Level 4)
Date Created: 10/21/07 02:51pm
Description: I decided to make my own random play list using word association to help make it super-ultra-rad-random, but for shits sake I'll make up a story so you might be mildly entertained.
Legen ...
Legen ...

2611 points (Level 6)
Date Created: 4/10/07 01:17am
Description: Part 2 of the Mix with No Name Trilogy
I awoke lying on a cold surface. I stood up and saw a huge hallway as far as the eye could see supported by huge marble pillars; they were at least ...
I awoke lying on a cold surface. I stood up and saw a huge hallway as far as the eye could see supported by huge marble pillars; they were at least ...

2044 points (Level 5)
Date Created: 2/15/08 02:06pm
Description: It's not from a time in my life, but I was inspired to make a mix based on the David Sedaris excerpt "The Youth In Asia" from the book Me Talk Pretty One Day. The first song that came into my mind for ...

2210 points (Level 5)
Date Created: 5/03/07 09:11am
Description: In 1982 a little B-movie came out called The Sword and the Sorcerer. My Mother and Father watched this fucking piece of crap for some reason and decided to name me after the hunky hero named prince Ta ...

2214 points (Level 5)
Date Created: 4/25/07 08:24pm
Description: I went to the coast with my niece and my gf. We meet a gaurd cat at a light house named Bonnie, walked along the coast, picked shells and rocks for my mother and listened to this mix on the way there.

2166 points (Level 5)
Date Created: 12/19/07 07:33pm
Description: A few days ago I had a dream that I came up with a brilliant idea for a small business I was going to start. It was a portable sushi bar that I put in an old converted mail truck.
I wanted to c ...
I wanted to c ...

1651 points (Level 3)
Date Created: 7/03/07 05:54pm
Description: I've just got back from a run and was stretching, I was looking to download some music on I tunes to cool off in style and it recommended some music to me---I tunes Essential Alt Rock Workout---What a ...

2819 points (Level 6)
Date Created: 10/25/06 10:15pm
Description: Wow Im sure glad my mother and unknown father met at the bars and decided to fuck behind the Meryvins in her 76 nova. I might of been ashmed to say that my mother was impregnated behind a J.C. penny's ...