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childstar's Mixes


These are mixtapes created by childstar.
Page 1  |  Total Results: 10  |  Showing: 1 - 10
White Skin, Tan Teeth
1764 points (Level 4)
Date Created: 5/19/08 12:07pm
Description: The title of this mix is taken from sort of a rant about summer by Bill Hicks. In his rant, he gets into how he hates going to the beach and seeing everybody sporting their tan skin and white teeth--h ...
The Emperor Who Never Sleeps
1775 points (Level 4)
Date Created: 4/25/09 03:32pm
Description: In my freshman year of high school, I met a boy named Justin via my old best friend Amanda's Methodist youth group. I wasn't really into going to church, but I enjoyed the social time (I later learned ...
Number One Crush
1295 points (Level 2)
Date Created: 7/18/11 02:36pm
Description: Life is very different from when my last mix was published. I feel like a lot has happened, which is true. I've had six mixes in the making for awhile now. But screw those. I want something fresh. Thi ...
1310 points (Level 2)
Date Created: 10/17/09 11:19am
Description: This mix is my attempt to deal with bottled-up anger I regretfully hold towards certain folks. These tracks allow any negative energy I'm feeling about said folks to be transferred off my shoulders an ...
Je m'en fous: Oh, These Sour, Sour Times
1150 points (Level 1)
Date Created: 7/12/10 07:52pm
Description: The first part of the title of my mix is French for, "I don't give a fuck." My reasoning for this is that I have included a few songs that may seem weird for me. This mix selection of tracks is slight ...
1367 points (Level 2)
Date Created: 12/18/09 09:19pm
Description: A mix for when you're driving down a country road at night and get lost. You halfway like it though, because you're in such a good mood. A short mix for a short trip.

I describe this par ...
1596 points (Level 3)
Date Created: 12/18/09 09:16pm
Description: More sexy tunes for a new year! A sequel to DREAM SEX: 2009*.

*Could be played immediately following DREAM SEX 2009 for ultimate satisfaction.
1642 points (Level 3)
Date Created: 9/19/09 01:12pm
Description: I'll be short and sweet with this one: these are songs I daydream I'll hear when I am doing sex things.
1226 points (Level 1)
Date Created: 8/07/10 07:32pm
Description: These are all songs that make me feel good. The album art consists of pictures that make me feel good. I like to think those dudes are thinking some variation of, "Whoa, who's this classy lady?" or, " ...
Being Twelve
1840 points (Level 4)
Date Created: 5/12/09 07:09pm
Description: Middle school was odd for me, as it was for everyone, I hear. I stayed up reeeally late most nights, hanging out in the Weezer chat room and learning about music that seemed to be way beyond my years. ...