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These are links to some of the major sections in the mixtape collective.
  • Lists: Browse various lists that are generated by the loads of data we have collected.
  • Contests: Check out the latest contests, see previous winners, and find out how you can be a part
  • Music: Check out our ever-growing database of musical knowledge! Use it to find any artist, album, or track that has been entered since the birth of the site and rate and find detailed usage statistics.


Tired of looking at the same old pages? Try checking out a random one, you never know what you might find...



Sunset -- April 19th, 2013

After years of neglect, I've decided to start decommissioning Mixtape Collective. Rather than remove it from the face of the internet, I've decided to keep it around, but in read-only mode.

Starting May 1st, you will no longer be able register / log into this website. Anything that is publicly visible will remain so. If you have any questions / comments, please feel free to contact 'feigner at gmail dot com'.


Mixtape Collective?

Mixtape? -- A mixtape is a home-made compilation of songs arranged in a specific order, usually reflecting the musical tastes and mood of the compiler and can range from a a conceptual mix of songs linked by a theme or mood, to a highly personal statement tailored to the tape's intended recipient. Find out more about mixtapes.

Collective? -- Half-community and half-game, you can create a profile, craft hypothetical mixtapes and compete for points, badges and notoriety alongside your mixtaping brethren. Think of it as a place to make both friends and mixtapes at the same time.

Development Log Headlines

2/18/09 08:11pm -
(11 tags)
2/05/09 11:02pm -
(5 tags)
1/29/09 09:41pm -
(13 tags)
1/08/09 10:22pm -
(2 tags)
12/22/08 10:13am -
(3 tags)


Users: 1128
Mixtapes: 2019
Artists: 9095
Albums: 17345
Tracks: 76687


Mixtape Collective Phase 2: Our involvement with the Collective as a school project has come to an end; however, the site is only just beginning.

We have much more in store for the future, but in the meantime we need more dedicated users! Help us out and recruit!
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